Asker, Akershus, Norge
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Maria Cleide de Mendonça, Eduardo A. Abrantes, Ana Carolina R. Neves
Figure 19–25.Isotomiella uai sp.n. 19 Detail of chaetotaxy of Abd II 20 Leg III 21 Unguis of leg III 22 Ventral tube 23 Furca 24 Lateral view of dens and mucro 25 Female genital opening.
Gabriel C. Queiroz, Maria Cleide de Mendonça
Figures 22–28.Micronella longisensilla sp. n. 22 Dorsolateral body chaetotaxy 23 Tita of leg I 24 Furcal area and its surrounding chaetae (adult) 25 Furcal area and its surrounding chaetae (juvenile) 26 Anal valves and ventral view of Abd VI 27 Dorsal view of Abd VI 28 Female genital plate. Scale bars: 10μm (23–28); 50μm (22). x represents missing chaeta.
Xiang-Qun Yuan, Zhi-Xiang Pan
Figures 31–34.Sinella triseta sp. n. 31 dorsal chaetotaxy of Th. II–III 32 coxal mac formula (A fore leg; B mid leg; C hind leg) 33 trochanteral organ 34 tip tibiotarsus and claw of hind leg.
Sopark Jantarit, Chutamas Satasook, Louis Deharveng
Figure 4.Cyphoderus songkhlaensis sp. n. continued A chaetae of tergites drawn from optical microscope, except 5* derived from SEM image B chaetotaxy of tergites with types of S-chaetae S1 to S4 C trichobothrial complexes of Abd.II D trichobothrial complexes of Abd.III E anterior trichobothrial complexes of Abd.IV F tandem of chaetae on Abd.IV; the smallest is a short type-5 mes and the largest a S4 sens.
Marko Lukić, Céline Houssin, Louis Deharveng
Figures 22–25. Tritomurus veles sp. n. (SEM). 22 Leg I, with ventro-basal macrochaetae of femur and ventral macrochaetae of trochanter (scale 100 μm); the second visible macrochaetae of femur belongs to other leg 23 Claws of legs I (scale 100 µm) 24 Claw of leg I, basal part in dorsal view (scale 10µm); e, thin distal tenent hairs 25 Bifurcate empodial appendage of leg II (scale 10 μm).
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Gabriel C. Queiroz, Maria Cleide de Mendonça
Figures 29–34.Micronella porcus (Denis, 1933). 29. Dorsal view of Ant I–IV 30 Ventral view of Ant I–IV 31 Detail of Ant III organ 32 Maxilla 33 Labium 34 Head chaetotaxy. Scale bars: 10μm (29–33); 20μm (34).
Xiang-Qun Yuan, Zhi-Xiang Pan
Figure 35.dorsal chaetotaxy of Abd. I–III of Sinella triseta sp. n.
Sopark Jantarit, Chutamas Satasook, Louis Deharveng
Figure 6.Cyphoderus songkhlaensis sp. n. continued, Szeptycki’s notation of tergal chaetae on Abd.IV (Szeptycki 1979).
Marko Lukić, Céline Houssin, Louis Deharveng
Figures 26–27. Tritomurus veles sp. n. 26 Dental spines formula in a female specimen: 4/2,4,1,4,1 (lower, right dens) and 5/1,1,1,1, 2,1,2,1 (upper, left dens) 27 Mucro in two different specimens.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Gabriel C. Queiroz, Maria Cleide de Mendonça
Figures 35–41.Micronella porcus (Denis, 1933). 35 Dorsal body chaetotaxy 36 Tita of leg I 37 Furcal area and its surrounding chaetae 38 Detail of furcal area 39 Dorsal view of Abd VI 40 Anal valves and ventral view of Abd VI 41 Female genital plate. Scale bars: 10μm (36–41); 50μm (35).
Sopark Jantarit, Chutamas Satasook, Louis Deharveng
Figure 7.Cyphoderus songkhlaensis sp. n. continued A chaetae of furca B scales of furca C trochanteral organ D claw and distal part of tibiotarsus III E tenaculum F anterior face of the ventral tube G posterior face of the ventral tube; the peg-like setulae are indicated by arrows H furca; encircled by dotted lines are the 2+2 latero-basal mesochaetae of manubrium (a) the 3 outer basal mesochaetae of dens (b) and the 2+2 inner basal mesochaetae of dens (c) (I) mucro in lateral view (right) and in dorsal view (left) showing a third minute external tooth J female genital plate K male genital plate.
Marko Lukić, Céline Houssin, Louis Deharveng
Figures 28–33. Tritomurus veles sp. n. (SEM). 28 Manubrium in dorsal view (scale 100 μm) 29 Manubrium in ventral view (scale 100 μm) 30 Manubrium ventro-distally and dens ventro-basally (scale 10 μm) 31, 32 Dental spines (scale 10 μm) 33 Mucro (scale 10 μm).
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Gabriel C. Queiroz, Maria Cleide de Mendonça
Figures 42–47.Neorganella rotundatae sp. n. 42 Dorsal view of Ant II–IV 43 Ventral view of Ant III–IV with detail of Ant III organ 44 Detail of PAO 45 Maxilla 46 Labium 47 Head chaetotaxy. Scale bars: 10μm (42–46); 20μm (47).
Sopark Jantarit, Chutamas Satasook, Louis Deharveng
Figure 8.Cyphoderus khaochakanus sp. n. A trochanteral organ B claw and distal part of tibiotarsus III C posterior face of the ventral tube D furca; feathered chaetae in lateral view, only one of the two vanes attached to the rachis is visible E mucro.