Image of a Lugol's fixed specimen collected by Diane Stoecker in July 2009 from the Bering Sea
The species was described by Kofoid in 1905 from the same area was this specimen was found, now know as Scripp's Canyon off San Diego, CA
Parafavella from the Araon cruise in 2012 in the Chukchi Sea. Mosty closely fits the form described as the species P. media but is likely a morph of P. denticulta.
This odd specimen was found in a sample containing X. lohmanni- it is likely some sort of variant or lorica developmental stage. Also known as a species Coxiella!
Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in June 2010
Live specimen of Xystonella lohmanni from the Bay of Villefranche on July 22 2013. Z-stack of images made using a 10x objective and DIC optics.
Found in a sample with a lot of 'normal' Xystonella lohmanni- this specimen is likely either a va developmental stage or an aberrant form of X. lohmanni.
These specimens were all found in samples taken on June 29 2010 in the Bay of Villefranche
Probably a variant, coxiella-form like, of Protorhabdonella curta. Found in the central Western Mediterranean Sea during the BOUM cruise in July 2008. The lorica structure resemble a Xystonellopsis species.
Specimen from the Etang de Thau in June 2012.
Specimen from the WarmAcid mesocosm experiment in 2012
Formerly known as Craterella tortulata. Specimen from winter 2003 in the Bay of Villefranche
Xystonellopsis tenuirostris from the Costa Rica Dome area. Specimen from a sample collected by M.R. Landry.
Xystonellopsis tenuirostris Specimen from a sample collected by M.R. Landry in the Costa Rica Dome area.
Xystonellopsis tenuirostris from a sample collected by M.R. Landry in the Costa Rica Dome area.
Xystonellopsis tenuirostris from a sample collected by M.R. Landry in the Costa Rica Dome area.
Late-stage divider- the two cells are not far from parting. Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Jan 2011