
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Ervatamia orientalis (R. Brown) Turrill

Tabernaemontana citrifolia sensu G. Forster, Prod. 20. 1786b.—Endlicher, Ann. Wien Mus. 1:175. 1836 [non L., Sp. Pl. 1:210. 1753].

Tabernaemontana orientalis R. Brown, Prod. 468, 1810.—Seemann, Fl. Vit. 159. 1866.—Nadeaud, Enum. Pl. Tahiti 56. 1873.—Butteaud, Fl. Tahiti. 58. 1891.—Drake del Castillo, Ill. Fl. Ins. Pac. 7:235. 1892; Fl. Polyn. Franc. 125. 1892.—Hemsley, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 30:185. 1894.—Reinecke, Bot. Jahrb. 25:668. 1898.—Burkill, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 35:46. 1901.—Rechinger, Denks. Akad. Wien 85: 332. 1910.—Wilder, Bish. Mus. Bull. 120:40. 1934.—Christophersen, Bish. Mus. Bull. 128:180. 1935.

Tabernaemontana vitiensis Seemann, Bonpl. 9:257. 1861.

Ervatamia orientalis (R. Brown) Turrill, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 43:32. 1915.—Setchell, Carn. Inst. Dep. Mar. Biol. Bull. 20:59. 1924.

DESCRIPTION.—Shrub, glabrous. Leaves opposite. Petioles 1–2 cm long. Blades ovate to obovate, 10–15 × 5–6 cm, attenuate at base, acuminate, glaucous below. Cymes trichotomous, few-flowered. Peduncles 8–10 cm long, slender. Pedicels short. Flowers about 2 cm long. Calyx lobes acute, glandular at base. Corolla salverform, lobes ovate oblong. Follicles geminate, divaricate, obovate, falcate, keeled, to 4 cm long and 1.3 cm wide, beaked.

Rechinger has described a var. dilatata from Samoa, with wider elliptical-rotund leaves, having 9–10 secondary nerves.

RANGE.—Society Islands: Tahiti: Banks (BM, fide Seemann); Vesco in 1847 (P, fide Drake del Castillo); Ribourt ca. 1850 (P, fide Drake del Castillo); Nadeaud 370, Papara, Papaihonu, alt. 500 m, cliffs, in 1856–1859 (P, fide Drake del Castillo).

We have not seen this from the Society Islands. Wilder has reported it from Makatea (Wilder 1203, alt. 60 m (200 ft), 27 October 1932, fruit, (BISH). Ranges through Samoa (!), Tonga (!) and Fiji (!) west to Australia, Malaya, and Madagascar (Schumann).

LOCAL NAMES.—Tahitian: faiata (Nadeaud). Wilder records the same name in Makatea.
citação bibliográfica
Grant, Martin Lawrence, Fosberg, F. Raymond, and Smith, Howard M. 1974. "Partial Flora of the Society Islands: Ericaceae to Apocynaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-85. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.17