Waianae Range tetramolopiumAsteraceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Oahu-extant; Lnai-extinct)NatureServe: Critically ImperiledOahu (Cultivated)EtymologyTetramolopium is derived from the Greek tetra, four, and molopium, stripes, referring to the nerves on the achene (fruit, seed).The specific epithet lepidotum from the Greek, lepio, scaly, literally "covered with scales."nativeplants.hawaii.edu/plant/view/Tetramolopium_lepidotum
Ridgetop tetramolopiumAsteraceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Oahu only)NatureServe: Critically ImperiledOahu (Cultivated)EtymologyTetramolopium is derived from the Greek tetra, four, and molopium, stripes, referring to the nerves on the achene (fruit, seed).The specific epithet filiforme, means thread or filament-like, refer to the narrow un-branching leaves. The variety polyphyllum refer to the many, (poly-), branching leaves (-phyllus).NPH00004nativeplants.hawaii.edu/plant/edit/Tetramolopium_filiform...
Ridgetop tetramolopiumAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Oahu only)NatureServe: Critically ImperiledOahu (Cultivated)Habitwww.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/5188559830/in/datetaken-...EtymologyTetramolopium is derived from the Greek tetra, four, and molopium, stripes, referring to the nerves on the achene (fruit, seed).The specific epithet filiforme, means thread or filament-like, refer to the narrow un-branching leaves. The variety polyphyllum refer to the many, (poly-), branching leaves (-phyllus).NPH00007nativeplants.hawaii.edu/plant/edit/Tetramolopium_filiform...
Ridgetop tetramolopiumAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Oahu only)NatureServe: Critically ImperiledOahu (Cultivated)Flowerwww.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/5187957281/in/datetaken-...EtymologyTetramolopium is derived from the Greek tetra, four, and molopium, stripes, referring to the nerves on the achene (fruit, seed).The specific epithet filiforme, means thread or filament-like, refer to the narrow un-branching leaves. The variety polyphyllum refer to the many, (poly-), branching leaves (-phyllus).NPH00006nativeplants.hawaii.edu/plant/edit/Tetramolopium_filiform...