This image was created by user Gerhard Koller (Gerhard) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
Wikimedia Commons
This image was created by user Gerhard Koller (Gerhard) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
Wikimedia Commons
Description: Peniophora quercina on Qercus robur. Location: Poland, Puszcza Niepołomicka, rezerwat przyrody 'Dębina. Date: 17 October 2017, 00:01:00. Source: Own work. Author: Jerzy Opioła.
Description: English: Peniophora quercina fungus on a dead branch of an oak tree. This specimen has dried out, the surface has cracked and the edges have curled up to reveal the black underside. Date: 25 February 2011. Source: Own work. Author: TristramBrelstaff.
This image was created by user Gerhard Koller (Gerhard) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
Wikimedia Commons
Description: English: Peniophora quercina and Xanthoria parietina on Quercus. Mertingen, Germany. Deutsch: Eichen-Zystidenrindenpilz (Peniophora quercina) und Gewöhnliche Gelbflechte (Xanthoria parietina). Date: Taken on 27 November 2006. Source: Own work. Author: Andreas Kunze.
This image was created by user Gerhard Koller (Gerhard) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
Wikimedia Commons