Christmas, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Commerce City, Colorado, United States
Peter Miranda Grant, Florida, United States
A marvelous boardwalk crosses Oso Flaco Lake. These young raccoons came up from one of the reed islands. They were probably looking for a handout. (Oso Flaco is noted for its great birding.)
Mapache enano de Cozumel Especie endmica a Cozumel.Quintana Roo, Mx.
Mapache enano de Cozumel.Quintana Roo, Mx.
Fort Amador, Panama, Panama
Here, in the mangroves on the Pacific coast of Panama's Darien Province, these are known as Gato Manglar (Mangrove Cat), but this is clearly a racoon.
Fort Amador, Panama, Panama
Crab-eating Racoons are at home in mangrove forests, but have a varied diet and habitat, ranging from Costa Rica to Uruguay. Photo from the coast of northeastern Panama.