A frog high above El Pizote (Costa Rica), on the trail into the woods that leads to the antenna, near Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, 6/21/99. The only frog I saw other than Dendrobates pumilio was Dendrobates auratus. However, this call was later identified as that of Allobates talamancae.
Pickerel Frog (Rana Palustris). Desirable Species.
Tree Toads. Axillary Embrace.
Engystome ovale. Engystoma ovale
African Clawed Frogs as Seen in their Tank.
Green Frog (Rana Climitans). Desirable Species....
Western Frog. Rana pretiosa
Conch's Spadefoots. Inguinal Embrace.
Cove Hardwoods Nature Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier County, Tennessee, US
Rancho Frio
Corcovado National Park - La Sirena
Sani Lodge
Santa Elena - Hidden Valley
Huddart County Park
Figure 1. A Dorsum, B ventrum, C side of head, D palmar view of left hand, and E plantar view of left foot of holotype of Paedophryne dekot (BPBM 37753). Scale bars = 5 mm A–C and 1 mm D, E.
Andreas Hertz, Frank Hauenschild, Sebastian Lotzkat, Gunther Köhler
Figure 1.A–B Holotype ofDiasporus citrinobapheus (SMF 89814, adult male): Ain life B in preservative. C Diasporus tigrillo in preservative (LACM 146212, holotype, adult male), note dark brown spots. Pictures are not at the same scale.
Figure 1.A Top of head B side of head C palmar view of left hand, and D plantar view of left foot of holotype of Oreophryne cameroni sp. n. (BPBM 34677). Scale bar = 5 mm.
Marcel A. Caminer, Santiago R. Ron
Figure 4.Dorsolateral views of adult females of A Hypsiboas fasciatus, QCAZ 48611, SVL = 51.79 mm B Hypsiboas almendarizae, QCAZ 32638, SVL = 51.26 mm C Hypsiboas calcaratus, QCAZ 24282, SVL = 51.26 mm D Hypsiboas maculateralis, QCAZ 43825, SVL = 55.31 mm E Hypsiboas alfaroi, QCAZ 43252, SVL = 45.37 mm.
João F. R. Tonini, Maurício C. Forlani, Rafael O. de Sá
Figure 4.Chiasmocleis quilombola sp. n. in vivo. A male (holotype: MZUSP147478) and B female (MZUSP147479, paratopotype). Not in scale.
Samuel G. Penny, Franco Andreone, Angelica Crottini, Marc W. Holderied, Lovasoa Sylviane Rakotozafy, Christoph Schwitzer, Gonçalo M. Rosa
Figure 2.Life colouration of Boophis ankarafensis sp. n.: A Rostral view of a male paratype (MRSN A6975) B Dorsal view of the same male C Female specimen in resting position on a leaf (specimen not collected) D Dorso-lateral view of the holotype with day-time colouration (MRSN A6973).
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Cryptic