
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Carex raynoldsii Dewey, Am. Jour. Sci. II. 32: 39. 1861
Carex Lyallii Boott, 111. Carex 150. pi. 483. 1867. (Type from east side of Cascade Mts.).
Loosely cespitose, the rootstocks stout, scaly, creeping, the culms stout, erect, stiff, 2-7.5 dm. high, rather sharply angled, usually exceeding the leaves, smooth or nearly so, phyllopodic, purplish-red-tinged at base, the dried-up leaves of the previous year conspicuous; leaves with well-developed blades usually 5-10 to a fertile culm, clustered towards the base, the blades light-green, stiff, erect or ascending, flat with revolute margins, 5-20 cm. long, 3-8 mm. wide, attenuate, roughened towards the apex, the sheaths yellowish-tinged ventrally, concave at mouth, the ligule wider than long; terminal spike staminate, sessile or nearly so, linear, 1-2 cm. long, 3-4.5 mm. wide, the scales oblong-obovate, firm, obtuse or acutish, purplish-brown with lighter center and narrow hyaline margins; pistillate spikes 2-4, approximate or the lowest slightly separate, erect, the upper sessile or nearly so, the others more or less strongly peduncled, the peduncles nearly smooth, slender, stiff, the spikes oblong, 1-2 cm. long, 6-8 mm. wide, densely flowered, containing 15-40 ascending-spreading perigynia in several to many rows; bracts sheathless, dark-auricled, the lowest leaflet-like, about the length of the culm, the others much reduced ; scales broadly ovate, dark-purplish-black with lighter-colored, often nearly obsolete midrib and very narrow hyaline margins, short-acute or cuspidate, about as wide below as but considerably exceeded by the perigynia; perigynia oblong-oval or oblong-obovoid, somewhat inflated, suborbicular in cross-section, 3.5-4.5 mm. long, 1.75-2 mm. wide, glabrous, puncticulate, subcoriaceous, 2-ribbed and strongly several-nerved, yellowish-green, becoming yellowish-brown, substipitate, round-tapering at base, rounded and abruptly contracted at apex into a minute, purple-tinged, entire or emarginate beak 0.5 mm. long; achenes obovoid, 2.25-2.5 mm. long; 1.5-1.75 mm. wide, nearly as wide as but shorter than perigynia, triangular with thick angles and sides concave below, substipitate, yellowish-brown, minutely granular, apiculate, jointed with the straight, slender, slightly exserted style; stigmas 3, slender, short.
Type locality: "Pierre's Hole, valley of Snake River, June 20, 1860, 6000 ft. altitude, and Henry's Fork, June 22, 1860, 5500 ft. altitude. Dr. F. V. Hayden."
Distribution: Mountain meadows, Alberta to British Columbia and southward to Colorado, Utah, and middle California. (Specimens examined from Alberta, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah. California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia.)
citação bibliográfica
Kenneth Kent Mackenzie. 1935. (POALES); CYPERACEAE; CARICEAE. North American flora. vol 18(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora