Imagem de Badister (Baudia) grandiceps Casey 1920
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Badister (Baudia) grandiceps Casey 1920

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Badister (Baudia) grandiceps Casey
Badister grandiceps Casey, 1920:207; [type specimen a female, in Casey Coll., USNM No. 47369]. Type locality: Washington, D. C.
The iridescence on the vertex of the head readily separates Badister grandiceps from all of the other North American species of this subgenus.
Description of sculpture. — Male. Arlington, [Hudson Co.], N.[ew] J.[ersey], (Schott), [California Academy of Science Coll.].
Microsculpture : head, isodiametric anteriorly, posteriorly becoming finer and more transverse in the area of the posterior pair of setigerous punctures, this area with violaceous iridescence, behind this band head again black, and microsculpture again approximately isodiametric ; pronotum, microsculpture very fine, the lines parallel and transversely directed, essentially uniform throughout, iridescence strong.
Variation. — Data on variation in length, width, W head/total length, W head/W elytron, W head/L Pn, L Pn/total L, and 1. shaft m.L/L left paramere are presented in tables 69-75. The vertex is iridescent in all specimens examined, but varies slightly in extent and intensity. The apical margin of the mandibles varies from truncate to somewhat oblique, not as strongly oblique, however, as in the mandibles of ocidaris Casey. The pronotum exhibits slight variation in relative proportions, larger specimens having the pronotum more transverse (thus resembling ocularis), smaller specimens having the pronotum apparently more slender and elongate. The male genitalia are constant with respect to features of diagnostic importance (figs. 155a-c).
Distribution. — A transcontinental species, Badister grandiceps, is known from Washington and British Columbia, to South Dakota and Iowa, in the plains, eastward to Massachusetts on the east coast and southward to New Jersey. In addition to the type, fifteen males and eighteen females collected in the following localities have been examined.
British Columbia: Pender Harbor. Connecticut: County not determined; Lyme. Iowa: "Dickinson County." Massachusetts: Middlesex County; Concord. Suffolk County; W. Roxbury. County not determined; Drac. Michigan: " Mic." Marquette County; Huron Mtn. Club. New Hampshire: Rockingham County; Exeter. New Jersey: " N. J." Hudson County; Arlington. New York : Cayuga County ; Howland I. Cortland County ; McLean Bogs. Tompkins County; Ithaca. Ontario: Trenton. Quebec: Arnprior, Como. South Dakota : " S. D." Utah : County not determined ; Utah Lake. Washington: Snohomish County; Everett.
citação bibliográfica
Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA