Imagem de Badister (Badister) maculatus Le Conte 1853
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Badister (Badister) maculatus Le Conte 1853

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Badister maculatus Le Conte
Badister maculatus Le Conte, 1880: 165; [type specimen a female, in Le Conte Coll., MCZ No. 5721]. Type locality: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, (S. S. Rathvon) ; (determined from original description; type specimen labelled with a pink disc — "Middle States").
The pronotum is black, and relatively short and broad as compared with other members of the genus which have a similar color pattern.
Description of color and sculpture. — Male. Atsion, [Burlington Co.], N.[ew] J.[ersey], [California Academy of Sciences Coll.]. The following are black — head, prothorax (excluding lateral margins), lateral and ventral sclerites of pterothorax, abdomen and hind coxae ; elytra black as follows — basal 1/2 of interval 1, and area at base adjacent to prothorax, median 1/3 of elytra to stria 10, and apical 1/5 (excepting intervals 1 and 10), the two black areas joined by a narrow isthmus extending along interval 6; the following piceous — antennal flagellum (becoming progressively somewhat paler apically), fore and middle coxae ; the following rufous — antennal pedicel, clypeus, medially, and labrum ; elytra orange-testaceous, except for the black areas noted above ; the following testaceous — palpi, antennal scape and legs. Microsculpture isodia-
citação bibliográfica
Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA