Imagem de Amara (Celia) bifrons (Gyllenhal 1810)
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Amara (Celia) bifrons (Gyllenhal 1810)

Conservation Status

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Information not available.
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums


fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Palearctic distribution. Introduced from Europe and recorded first in Nova Scotia in 1929. Distributed in Canada in New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Quebec (Lindroth 1954, Lindroth, 1955, Lindroth 1968).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums

General Description

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Adults are 5.3 - 7.4 mm in length, narrow bodied and much paler in color than any other species of the genus Amara. Brown to reddish brown with pale bronze luster. Appendages brownish yellowish and almost transparent. Eyes are convex. Basal half of prothorax is parallel sided with truncated anterior margin, more or less denticulate hind angles. It also has expanded punctuation (having tiny spots, punctures) at the base which is a key character. Prosternum of male is smooth. Elytra are long with shallow striations and with punctuation. Male genitalia smaller, straight and long apex and lateral lobes with hooks (Lindroth, 1968).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums


fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Dry, open habitats preferred. It is xerophyllic species and thus favors sandy areas (Lindroth, 1968).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums

Life Cycle

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Usually occurs in summer (Lindroth, 1992). It hibernates in larval stage and very few adult survive (Lindroth, 1968). It is autumn breeder (Varis et al.1984).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums

Trophic Strategy

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Adults are predatory on other arthropod species and are omnivorous. Predation on cabbage root fly maggots has been noted (Andersen et al., 1983; Varis et al.1984). Adults are also found to feed on weed seed of Taraxacum officinale (Dandlion) seed (Honek et al., 2005).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums