Description: Deutsch: Gallen-Röhrling mit hervorquellendem Röhrenfutter und weiten, rosa getönten Poren. Date: 26 August 2019. Source: Own work. Author: EmillimeS.
: The factual accuracy of this taxonomy or the file name is disputed. Reason: Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page. Description: Albatrellus ovinus. Date: 10 September 0006. Source: Own work. Author: bernd gliwa. Permission (Reusing this file): cc-by-sa 2.5.
Description: Widespread in the northern hemisphere, and known as Bitter Tylopilus. Photo from Dakota Ridge, British Columbia. Date: 16 September 2013, 04:12. Source: Tylopilus felleus. Author: Dick Culbert from Gibsons, B.C., Canada.
Description: Showing the pinkish pores of the Bitter Tylopilus, a bolete common in the northern hemisphere. Date: 16 September 2013, 04:12. Source: Tylopilus felleus. Author: Dick Culbert from Gibsons, B.C., Canada.
2012-06-09_Tylopilus_felleus_(Bull.)_P._Karst_226782.jpg: This image was created by user Christine Braaten (wintersbefore) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
Wikimedia Commons
Description: Tylopilus felleus. Karmėlava forest, Lithuania. Date: 31 August 2008. Source: Own work. Author: Tocekas. Permission (Reusing this file): : The copyright holder of this file, Tomas Čekanavičius, allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. Redistribution, derivative work, commercial use, and all other use is permitted. Attribution: Tomas Čekanavičius Attribution.
Description: Deutsch: Gallenpilz; Boletus felleus. Ungenießbar. Date: before 1940. Source: Schmeils naturwissenschaftliche Atlanten: Pilze der Heimat - Zweiter Band: Löcherpilze (Polyporaceae) und kleinere Familien; von Eugen Gramberg. Author: Emil Doerstling.