

Imagem de Achelia echinata Hodge 1864


Figure 6.Achelia echinata, male; A: Chelifores with reduced chela; scale 40 µm; B: Distal articles of right 8-articled palp; scale 40 µm; C: Distal articles of 10-articled oviger; scale 40 µm; D, E: Compound spines on last oviger-article; scales 10 µm and 5 µm, respectively; F: Lateral process, coxa 1 and 2 of right 3rd leg, 2 protuberances with spine on each side of coxa 2; scale 100 µm; G: Coxa 2 with 2 protuberances with spine on each side (right 3rd leg); scale 40 µm.

Informação de origem

direitos autorais
Tobias Lehmann, Martin Heß, Roland R. Melzer
citação bibliográfica
Lehmann T, Heß M, Melzer R (2014) Common littoral pycnogonids of the Mediterranean Sea Zoosystematics and Evolution 90(2): 163–224
arquivo de mídia original
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Zoosystematics and Evolution