
Dodder on Hooker's evening-primose

Imagem de Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietrich


Cuscuta parasitizing Oenothera elata var./subsp. hirsutissima. Somewhat unusual dryish area for the primrose to be here. This Cuscuta may not be very specific in what it attacks; I am unaware of reports of O. elata being a parasitic host for Cuscuta. The host plant here however is a biennial form which means that all of the Dodder growth you see here happened this year, and the seeds must have also germinated within the last year. In light of the orange stems (although the light was more intense when this picture was taken) and because I also saw this growing in/near a residential area near the base of Farmington Canyon, I suspect this is Cuscuta approximata. August 8, 2009, foothills above Farmington and south of Farmington Canyon, Davis County, Utah

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Tony Frates
Tony Frates
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