
Baeomyces rufus 73379287

Imagem de Baeomyces rufus (Huds.) Rebent.


Description: English: Brown Beret Lichen (Baeomyces rufus). Date: 17 May 2020. Source: https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/73379287. Author: Markus Krieger. Camera location48° 54′ 28″ N, 13° 28′ 24″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 48.907778; 13.473333. : This media file is part of an observation on iNaturalist:inaturalist.org/observations/46267939This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. : This image was originally posted to iNaturalist by markuskrieger at https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/73379287. It was reviewed on 3 January 2021 by INaturalistReviewBot and found to be published under the terms of the Cc-by-4.0 license. Reason: sha1.

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direitos autorais
Markus Krieger
arquivo de mídia original
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site do parceiro
Wikimedia Commons