Clamator glandarius, bedelroep, Hartbeesfontein, b
Description: Afrikaans: Bedelroep van 'n jong Gevlekte nuwejaarsvoël van 'n kragdraad af, terwyl die vermoedelike gasheer, 'n Witborskraai, oorvlieg. Dit is net 'n paar honderd meter van die waarskynlike nes op 'n houtkragpaal. Twee ander jongelinge is in die omgewing opgemerk waar hulle geluidloos 'n lae trajek tussen struike gevolg het, en blykbaar op hulself aangewese was. In die agtergrond is die peetouer, migrerende Europese swaels en 'n Lemoenduifie hoorbaar. English: Begging call of a Great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) juvenile while perched on a power line. It is a few hundred metres from a nest on a wooden power pylon from which it likely fledged, and it calls out as its likely host / foster parent, the Pied crow audible in the background, flies over. Two other juveniles were seen in the vicinity, which were silent and kept a low profile in low shrubs, and were apparently hunting on their own. Twittering of migrating Barn swallows (H. rustica) and the soft cooing of a Laughing dove (S. senegalensis) are audible in the background. Date: 2 April 2022, 09:48. Source: Own work. Author: JMK. Camera location25° 27′ 48″ S, 28° 30′ 28″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-25.463333; 28.507778.
Incluído nas seguintes páginas:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Bilateria
- Deuterostomia
- Chordata
- Vertebrata (Vertebrados)
- Gnathostomata (Gnatostomados)
- Osteichthyes
- Sarcopterygii
- Tetrapoda
- Amniota
- Reptilia (Répteis)
- Diapsida
- Archosauromorpha
- Archosauria
- Dinosauria
- Saurischia
- Theropoda
- Tetanurae
- Coelurosauria
- Maniraptoriformes
- Maniraptora
- Aves (ave)
- Ornithurae
- Neornithes
- Neognathae
- Neoaves
- Cuculiformes
- Cuculidae
- Clamator
- Clamator glandarius
Este som não é destaque em nenhuma coleção.
Informação de origem
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- criador
- original
- arquivo de mídia original
- visite a fonte
- site do parceiro
- Wikimedia Commons
- ID