

Imagem de Picornavirales


Description: English: Phylogenetic rooted tree based on RdRp sequences of representative viruses from the Picornavirales order. Caliciviridae viruses were taken as outgroup. The star indicates the position of GdelRNAV-01 in the genus Bacillarnavirus. The Maximum Likelihood tree was generated using PhyML 3.0 with 1,000 replications and a LG + G + I + F substitution model according to the SMS analyses. Bootstraps values (%) >80 are shown. Scale bar indicates the number of substitutions per site. Virus abbreviations: ABPV, acute bee paralysis virus NC_002548.1; AiV, Aichi virus, AB010145; AglaRNAV, Asterionellopsis glacialis RNA virus NC_024489; AuRNAV, Aurantiochytrium single-stranded RNA virus), BAE47143; BoCV, Bovine enteric calicivirus, AJ011099; BBW, broad bean wilt virus 1 NC_005289.1; CsfrRNAV, Chaetoceros socialis f. radians RNA virus, AB469874; Csp03RNAV, Chaetoceros sp. number03 RNA virus, AB639040; CtenRNAV type-I, Chaetoceros tenuissimus RNA virus, AB375474; CtenRNAV type-II, AB971661; CtenRNAV_SS10V-39V, AB971662; CtenRNAV_SS10V-45V, AB971663; CRLV, cherry rasp leaf virus, NC_006271.1; CPSMV, cowpea severe mosaic virus, NC_003545; CrPV, cricket paralysis virus, NC_003924; DWV, deformed wing virus, NC_004830; HaRNAV, Heterosigma akashiwo RNA virus, NC_005281; HplV-81, Hubei picorna-like virus 81 strain CJLX25805, KX884540.1; HplV-82, Hubei picorna-like virus 82 KX883688.1; PV, human poliovirus 1 Mahoney, V01149; IFV, infectious flacherie virus NC_003781.1; NV, Norwalk virus, M87661; PYFV, Parsnip yellow fleck virus, D14066; RsRNAV, Rhizosolenia setigera RNA virus, AB243297; RTSV, rice tungro spherical virus, AAA66056; SBV, sacbrood virus, NC_002066; SDV, Satsuma dwarf virus RNA 1 NC_003785.2; SINV-2, Solenopsis invicta virus 2 EF428566.1; TRSV, tobacco ringspot virus RNA 1 NC_005097.1; ToTV, tomato torrado virus RNA 1 NC_009013.1; TrV, triatoma virus, NC_003783. Date: 9 January 2019. Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2018.03235/full. Author: Laure Arsenieff, Nathalie Simon, Fabienne Rigaut-Jalabert, Florence Le Gall, Samuel Chaffron, Erwan Corre, Emmanuelle Com, Estelle Bigeard, and Anne-Claire Baudoux.

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Laure Arsenieff, Nathalie Simon, Fabienne Rigaut-Jalabert, Florence Le Gall, Samuel Chaffron, Erwan Corre, Emmanuelle Com, Estelle Bigeard, and Anne-Claire Baudoux
Laure Arsenieff, Nathalie Simon, Fabienne Rigaut-Jalabert, Florence Le Gall, Samuel Chaffron, Erwan Corre, Emmanuelle Com, Estelle Bigeard, and Anne-Claire Baudoux
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