
Close to home (26651937349)

Imagem de Ectopsocus petersi Smithers & Courtenay 1978


Description: I'm sitting at the computer entering records of observations into NatureSpot. An annoying little fly is flying around and keeps landing on the screen. I take a closer look at it. It looks like a Moth Fly, very difficult to identify to species level, but to be sure I pull out the camera and take some photos of it. I load the photos onto the computer and I can see that it's not a Moth Fly but a Barklouse. I look it up on NatureSpot. It's Ectopsocus petersi. I enter the record into NatureSpot. A little fly lands on the screen. It's not Ectopsocus petersi, this one's a bit darker in colour. I pull out the camera and take some photos of it. This could take a while... Date: 14 November 2017, 19:14. Source: Close to home. Author: AJC1 from UK. Camera location52° 35′ 56.33″ N, 1° 06′ 20.41″ W View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 52.598981; -1.105670.

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AJC1|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/47353092@N00/26651937349%7Carchive=http://web.archive.org/web/20190117062947/https://flickr.com/photos/47353092@N00/26651937349%7Creviewdate=2017-11-18 18:18:15|reviewlicense=cc-by-sa-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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