
Webysther 20160207091237 - Salamanta Epicrates cenchria (cropped)

Imagem de Epicrates cenchria (Linnaeus 1758)


Description: Português: Salamanta Epicrates cenchria. Date: 7 February 2016, 09:12:37. Source: This file was derived from: Webysther 20160207091237 - Jiboia Arco-Íris da Caatinga - Epicrate Cenchria Assisi (EAS).jpg: . Author: Webysther. Camera location22° 16′ 14.15″ S, 48° 14′ 54.16″ W View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-22.270597; -48.248378. : This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Cropped. The original can be viewed here: Webysther 20160207091237 - Jiboia Arco-Íris da Caatinga - Epicrate Cenchria Assisi (EAS).jpg: . Modifications made by ArionEstar.

Informação de origem