
Ashmeadiella xenomastax, ca, santa barbara, face 2015-04-20-11.56.57 ZS PMax (16594542553) (2)

Imagem de Ashmeadiella xenomastax Michener 1939


Description: From Santa Rosa Island , one of the Channel Islands off the coast of Southern California and part of the Channel Islands National Park come this tiny Ashmeadiella. Shot with our new 10x lens 10:54, 26 April 2015 (UTC)10:54, 26 April 2015 (UTC){{{{{{0}}}}}}10:54, 26 April 2015 (UTC)10:54, 26 April 2015 (UTC) All photographs are public domain, feel free to download and use as you wish. Photography Information: Canon Mark II 5D, Zerene Stacker, Stackshot Sled, 200mm Pentax-m with Nikon 10X infinity microscope objective lens mounted on front , Twin Macro Flash in Styrofoam Cooler, F5.6, ISO 100, Shutter Speed 200 Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all Ye know on earth and all ye need to know " Ode on a Grecian Urn" John Keats You can also follow us on Instagram account USGSBIML Contact information: Sam Droege sdroege@usgs.gov 301 497 5840. Date: 20 April 2015, 14:08. Source: Ashmeadiella xenomastax, ca, santa barbara, face_2015-04-20-11.56.57 ZS PMax. Author: USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab from Beltsville, Maryland, USA.

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