
Catharanthus roseus - Kolkata 2004-07-13 01756

Imagem de Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don


Description: Common name: Periwinkle, Vinca. Hindi: Sadabahar. Malayalam: Shavam Naari. Marathi: Sadaphuli. Bengali: Nayantara Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus. Family: Apocynaceae (oleander family) Synonyms: Vinca rosea Periwinkle is a happy-go-lucky small shrub. It cares not for the world. It rejoices in sun or rain, or the seaside, in good or indifferent soil and often grows wild. It is known as 'Sadabahar' meaning 'always in bloom' and is used for worship. Numerous soft-wood branches from the ground, give it an appearance of fullness. Closely planted it can have an impressive effect with its various colours. This is one flower which can be found all over India. Lots of cultivars have been developed with various colors, from red to white. Date: 13 July 2004, 14:30:25. Source: Own work. Author: Biswarup Ganguly.

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Biswarup Ganguly
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