
Equisetum species (02)

Imagem de Equisetum trachyodon (A. Br.) Koch


Description: Equisetum illustrations. Date: 1863. Source: https://www.delta-intkey.com/britht/www/moorei.htm 10 British and Irish Equisetum species and hybrids: Sowerby and Johnson, 1863. 1701, Equisetum arvense L.; 1702, E. pratense Ehrh.; 1703, E. telmateia Ehrh.; 1704, E. sylvaticum L.; 1705, E. fluviatile L.; 1706, E. palustre L.; 1707, E. hyemale L.; 1708, E. x moorei Newman; 1709, E. x trachyodon A.Br.; 1710, E. variegatum Schleich. ex Web. & Mohr; 1711, E.variegatum var. wilsonii (Newm.) Milde. From Sowerby and Johnson (1863). Author: Sowerby and Johnson (1863). This image (or article or category) allows creating additional images (as from a page with portraits). Crop new images from this page (or its source) and upload each separately. For more about image cropping, see: Commons:Media for cleanup. Use {{Image extracted|xxx.ext}} to link the extracted images.

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