
Imagem de Amphiporus

Imagem de Amphiporus


Figure 3.A–D Micrura ignea: A entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis B dorsal detail of the head C ventral detail of the head D detail of the tail E–G Amphiporus cruentatus: F dorsal detail of the head G detail of the stylets H–J Amphiporus cf. ochraceus: I dorsal detail of the head J drawing of the stylet K–M Amphiporus texanus: K entire worm L dorsal detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore, s sylet, v blood vessel.

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direitos autorais
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
citação bibliográfica
Gonzalez-Cueto J, Quiroga S, Norenburg J (2014) A shore-based preliminary survey of marine ribbon worms (Nemertea) from the Caribbean coast of Colombia ZooKeys 439: 83–108
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