
Imagem de Ancyronyx Erichson 1847

Imagem de Ancyronyx Erichson 1847


Figure 16. Ancyronyx montanus Freitag & Balke, sp. n., (SEM photographs with grey background, stereo microscope photographs with white background) adult male: A head, dorsal, B head, ventral, C pronotum, dorsal, D pro-, meso-, and metaventrite, ventral, E elytra, dorsal, F meso- and metacoxae, metaventrite, ventrites 1–2, ventral, G hind claw, H ventrite 5, ventral; adult female: I ventrite 5, ventral; adult male: J ventrite 5, ventral, K sternite IX, L & M aedeagus, ventral, N aedeagus, lateral; adult female: O ovipositor, ventral, P sternite VIII, ventral, Q tergite VIII, dorsal; adult male: R tergite VIII, dorsal.

Informação de origem

direitos autorais
Hendrik Freitag, Michael Balke
citação bibliográfica
Freitag H, Balke M (2011) Larvae and a new species of Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Elmidae) from Palawan, Philippines, using DNA sequences for the assignment of the developmental stages ZooKeys 136: 47–82
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