Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Carmenta xanthogyna (Hampson)
Lepidopoda xanthogyna Hampson, 1919:54
MALE—Head with vertex brown-black; occipital fringe yellow, brown-black mixed dorsally; antennae dorsally brown-black with green-blue iridescence, yellow apically; front brown-black with white laterally, labial palpus smooth, yellow, broadly banded brown-black laterally to apex Thorax brown-black with green-blue iridescence; narrow subdorsal yellow stripes and some yellow anteriorly at wing base; ventrally mostly yellow; metathorax with some yellow, lateral tufts mixed with yellow Abdomen brown-black with green-blue iridescence; segments 2 to 7 narrowly banded pale yellow on posterior margin, faintly indicated on segment 1, and with broad yellow patch laterally on segments 1 and 2; ventrally brown-black with varying medial pale yellow stripe; anal tuft narrowly fan-shaped, brown-black with some yellow medially and white laterally Legs mostly brown-black with green-blue iridescence; foreleg yellow with some brown-black on tibia and tarsi; midleg yellow mesally, and yellow on dorsal and apical tufts of tibia; hindleg with tibia yellow mesally, and slightly mixed dorsally on apical tuft of tibia and mesally at tarsal joints, first tarsal segment tufted dorsally and ventrally Forewing mostly hyaline; apical margin abruptly interrupted by hyaline area between veins R4 and R5; margins, veins, and elongate, narrow discal spot brown-black, lightly powdered yellow on apical and costal margins between veins, more strongly powdered on costa ventrally Hindwing hyaline; very narrow margins, tiny discal spot and veins brown-black; ventrally with costal margin mostly yellow Wing length of male, 11 mm Male genitalia (Figure 18) with valve relatively elongate, tapered to point apically, with saccular ridge downcurved and elevated apically, terminating on ventral edge at middle of valva, elevated portion of ridge clothed with simple spinelike scales; saccus nearly one-third length of valva; slender processes of juxta elongate, extending nearly to gnathos; gnathos relatively small for species of Carmenta, but with well-developed ventromedial plate; socii elongate; aedeagus elongate, slender with several minute cornuti on vesica
FEMALE—Differs considerably from the male by the following: antennae without yellow apically; less brown-black on labial palpus; thorax mostly yellow except for brown-black of mesothorax, on collar dorsally, on tegulae, patch posteriorly and patch near center dorsomedially; abdomen dorsally mostly yellow with some brown-black on anterior margin of each segment, ventrally yellow, and anal tuft short, yellow with some brown-black mixed laterally; and legs mostly yellow Wing length of female, 15 mm Female genitalia (Figure 27) with ductus bursae well sclerotized on most of posterior one-half, slightly expanded and membranous on anterior one-half; ductus seminalis arises from ductus bursae just anterior to sclerotized portion; corpus bursae relatively small, ovate, without signum
TYPES—The following four syntypes all from the British Museum (Natural History) were examined: (1) “TYPE” “Kuranda, QUEENSLAND, 7–1–1906, Dodd 13053”; “Walsingham Collection, 1910–427, 13053”; “Lepidopoda xanthogyna Hmpsn, type ”; “Genitalia Slide By T D Eichlin, USNM 76151 ” (male) (2) “Type”; “Kuranda, Queensland, 1811906, Dodd, 13054”; “Walsingham Collection, 1910–427, 13054”; “Lepidopoda xanthogyna Hmpsn, Type 2” (female) (3) “Co-type”;
“Kuranda, Queensland, 1211906, Doss, 13055”; “Walsingham Collection, 1910–427, 13055”, “Lepidopoda xanthogyna Hmpsn, Paratype ”; “Genitalia Slide By T D Eichlin, USNM 76152 ” (female) (4) “Kuranda, Queensland, 2011906, Dodd, 13056”; “Walsingham Collection, 1910–427, 13056”; “Lepidopoda xanthogyna Hmpsn”; “Rothschild Bequest, B M 1939–1” (female) Data as given by Hampson (1919) in the original description included, “Queensland, Kuranda (Dodd), 1 , 3 type; Walsingham Coll Exp 30, 36 mill” The male syntype listed above from the British Museum (Natural History) has been selected, labeled, and is presently designated as the lectotype
TYPE-LOCALITY—Kuranda, Queensland
DISCUSSION—This species is known only from the four excellent specimens of the type-series Consequently, nothing is known of its biology other than that the above specimens were collected in mid-January
- bibliographic citation
- Duckworth, W. Donald and Eichlin, Thomas D. 1974. "Clearwing moths of Australia and New Zealand (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-45.