
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harbansus paucichelatus (Kornicker, 1958)

Philomedes paucichelata Kornicker, 1958:233, figs. 46: 4a,b; 54A–E, 55A–C, 87B,E,H.

Euphilomedes paucichelata.—Kornicker, 1970:36.

Harbansus paucichelatus.—Kornicker, 1978:16, figs. 5–9, pls. 1, 2.

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 122905, dried specimen in poor condition.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Bimini Islands, Bahamas.

MATERIAL.—See “Station Data and Material Examined.”

DISTRIBUTION.—This species described originally from Bimini, Bahamas, is the most widespread species of the Philomedidae in the study area (Map 3). It was collected in the Atlantic off North Carolina (35°02′06″N) as well as off the southern tip of Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico. It has previously been reported as far south as Belize (Kornicker, 1978:2). Known depth range is 15 cm to 135 m.

VARIABILITY.—The considerable variability observed in specimens referred herein to H. paucichelatus suggests a complex of species. Initially I attempted to divide the species on the basis of furcal claws. Those with stout primary claws were referred to H. paucichelatus while those with slender primary claws were referred to a new species. So many specimens could not be referred to either species with certainty that I found it expedient to consider the complex as a single species.

Two species with ribs similar to those of H. paucichelatus are to be described in a later publication. Both species bear minute spines on the carapace. One of the species bears long natatory bristles on the exopodite of the 2nd antenna, similar to those on H. paucichelatus whereas the other has short bristles bearing only spines, no distal hairs. The degree of carapace spinosity on these forms is quite variable, some having abundant spines, others having just a few spines. The later shells are so similar to those of H. paucichelatus that these also could be considered to be part of the H. paucichelatus species complex, or possibly hybrids. I have, however, included in H. paucichelatus only specimens without spines.

Some of the various forms referred to H. paucichelatus are briefly described below; variations in morphology are noted in the “Diagnosis.”

DIAGNOSIS.—Carapace elongate with long narrow rostrum with minutely scalloped edge and projecting caudal process. The latter longer on some specimens than on others.

Ornamentation: Small shallow fossae abundant over valve surface. Number and position of lateral ribs variabl; some specimens with single faint rib near rostrum, others with 2 to 4 ribs, either faint or well defined (Figure 32f). Early instars and adult males often with less well–defined ribs than late instars and adult females. All specimens with many single bristles, but some also with double bristles and/or setose bristles (Figure 32g).

Infold: Infold of rostrum generally with only 4 bristles, but some specimens with as many as 6 bristles. Ridge on infold of caudal process generally with 6 frond–like bristles.

Size: Adult females: length 0.90–1.20 mm. Adult males: length 0.84–1.06 mm.

First Antenna: 2nd joint with 1 bristle (dorsal).

Second Antenna: Protopodite of adult female generally with faint spines forming rows on dorsal half (Figure 33d), but spines absent on some specimens. Instars and adults of both sexes with exopodial bristles of joints 2–8 and long bristle of 9th joint with natatory hairs. Endopodite of adult female 2 jointed: 1st joint with 2 proximal anterior bristles; 2nd joint with long bristle near middle, and tip either bare (Figure 32b), or with minute–to–small spine (Figure 32c); many specimens with tip of 2nd joint of left limb differing from that on right limb. Endopodite of juvenile females differing from that of most adult females in having a fairly long spine (unringed, but could be considered to be a bristle) at tip (Figure 34a,b). 3rd joint of male endopodite of 2nd antenna without proximal bristle or process.

Mandible: Medial side of basale of female generally with single bristle in proximal ventral corner (Kornicker, 1978, fig. 6f), but rarely also with an adjacent spine (Figure 32d).

Seventh Limb: Adult male generally without 7th limb, but minute bare 7th limb observed on USNM 193053.

Furca: Each lamella of adult with 6 claws (rarely 5); main claws 1, 2, and 4 fairly stubby, especially those of females (Figures 33i, 35), or slender (Figure 36d).

Eyes: Medial eye pigmented brown. Lateral eye of adult female small, unpigmented, with about 5 ommatidia (Figure 33k). Lateral eye of adult male fairly large, about same size as medial eye, with or without pigment, with about 12 ommatidia (Figure 33b; Kornicker, 1978, fig. 9h).

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF USNM 156988, ADULT MALE (Figure 33a).—Previously described by Kornicker (1978:21, fig. 9b–k).

Mandible: Kornicker (1978:22, fig. 9e) incorrectly described and illustrated the end joint of a mandible having only 1 ventral bristle; reexamination of the appendage revealed 2 ventral bristles (Figure 33a).

DESCRIPTION OF USNM 158343, ADULT MALE (Figure 33b, 35b).—Carapace elongate with long slender rostrum and projecting caudal process (Figure 33b).

Ornamentation: Surface with abundant shallow fossae and several weakly developed horizontal ribs (ribs shown diagrammatically on Figure 33b). Surface bristles mostly of single type but a few double bristles present.

Size: Length 1.06 mm, height 0.56 mm.

Furca (Figures 33b, 35b): Main claws more slender than those of adult female, and without stout medial tooth near middle of claw 1.

Lateral Eye: Well developed with dark brown pigment visible through shell.

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF USNM 149329, ADULT FEMALE (Figure 33c,d;) previously described by Kornicker, 1978:16; figs. 5–7a–i).—Bristles of outside of each valve consisting of scattered single bristles and few double bristles (Figure 33c).

Size: Length 0.92 mm, height 0.56 mm.

Second Antenna: Protopodite with short spines forming rows on dorsal half of medial surface (Figure 33d). Minute spine reported on lateral side of 9th exopodial joint by Kornicker (1978:20) is actually on medial side and could be interpreted as minute unringed bristle.

DESCRIPTION OF USNM 158344, ADULT FEMALE (Figure 33e–k).—Carapace more elongate than that of USNM 149329 (cf. 33e and 33c).

Ornamentation (Figure 33e): 2 or 3 horizontal ribs evident but weakly developed. Surface bristles consisting of single, double, and setose bristles.

Infold: Infold of rostrum with 4 bristles; ridge on infold of caudal process with 6 frond-like bristles.

Size: Length 1.20 mm, height 0.65 mm.

First Antenna, Second Antenna (Figure 33f,g), Mandible, Maxilla, Fifth Limb (Figure 33h),Sixth Limb, Seventh Limb;Furca (Figure 33i); Medial Eye (Figure 33j); Lateral Eye (Figure 33k), Y-Sclerite(Figure 33i), Genitalia (Figure 33i): Similar to those in earlier description of adult female by Kornicker (1978:17–21).

Bellonci Organ: Distal part broken off on USNM 158344, proximal part segmented (Figure 33j).

Eggs: 1 egg in brood chamber.

DESCRIPTION OF USNM 157320, ADULT FEMALE (Figure 32a–d).—Carapace with longer caudal process than that of USNM 149329 (cf. Figures 32a and 33c).

Ornamentation: Surface with 3 or 4 lateral ribs, the 2 middle of these well developed. Surface bristles consisting of single bristles, some with marginal hairs (hairs may be foreign growth) (Figure 32a).

Infold: Infold of rostrum with 4 bristles; ridge on infold of caudal process with 6 frond-like bristles.

Size: Length 1.03 mm, height 0.56 mm.

Second Antenna: Endopodite of right limb with terminal spine (Figure 32c); endopodite of left limb without terminal spine (Figure 32b). Limb otherwise similar to that of adult female described by Kornicker (1978:17).

Mandible: Medial surface of basale with 1 bristle and 1 spine forming group in proximal ventral corner (Figure 32d). Mandible otherwise similar to that of adult female described by Kornicker (1978:20).

Additional Limbs: Similar to those of adult female described by Kornicker (1978:17–21).

Parasites: Marsupium with 1 female choniostomatid and 3 sacs containing choniostomatid larvae. Kornicker (1978:16) mistakenly interpreted the choniostomatids to be ostracod eggs; none are present.

DESCRIPTION OF USNM 158078, ADULT FEMALE (Figure 32e, 35a).—Carapace elongate with long narrow rostrum and projecting caudal process (Figure 32e).

Ornamentation: Each valve with 3 distinct horizontal ribs (ribs shown diagrammatically in Figure 32e). Surface with abundant shallow fossae. Bristles consisting of single, double, and setal types (all bristles not shown in Figure 32e).

Size: Length 0.99 mm, height 0.61 mm.

Furca (Figures 32e, 35a): Main claws fairly stubby; claw 1 with fairly large medial tooth near middle.

DESCRIPTION OF USNM 158348, ?ADULT FEMALE (Figure 32f–j.—Carapace similar in shape to adult female USNM 158344.

Ornamentation: Each valve with 4 well-developed, horizontal ribs (Figure 32f). Surface with numerous setose bristles in addition to many single and few double bristles (Figure 32g).

Infold: Rostral, infold with 6 bristles; ridge on infold of caudal process with about 6 frond-like bristles.

Size: Length 1.04 mm, height 0.58 mm.

First Antenna: Similar to that of adult female.

Second Antenna: Protopodite similar to that of adult female except fewer medial spines visible. Exopodite similar to that of adult female. Endopodite: end joint of endopodite of left limb with minute spine (Figure 32h); end joint of right limb with small bristle without visible rings (Figure 32i).

Mandible, Maxilla, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Limbs, Furca, Eyes, and Bellonci Organ (Figure 32j), Upper Lip (Figure 32j): Similar to those of adult female.

Genitalia: Oval with sclerotized rim absent from each side of body.

Eggs: Small unextruded eggs within body.

Remarks: The endopodite of the left limb of the 2nd antenna is similar to that of adult female, but the endopodite of the right limb bears a small bristle on the end joint similar to that on the juvenile A-1 female (USNM 158251) described herein. Small eggs are present in the ovaries. This plus the lack of tapered bristles on the 7th limb suggest that the specimen is adult, but the absence of genitalia indicates sexual maturity has not been reached.

DESCRIPTION OF USNM 158251, A-1 FEMALE (Figures 32k, 34).—Carapace more elongate than adult female illustrated by Kornicker (1978, fig. 5) (Figure 32k).

Ornamentation: Faint shallow fossae abundant. Faint rib visible reaching slightly posterior to rostrum (Figure 32k). Only single bristles on carapace.

Infold: Not examined in detail, but infold of rostrum with 4 bristles, and infold of caudal process with about 5 frond-like bristles.

Size: Length 0.80 mm, height 0.45 mm.

First Antenna (Figure 32l): In general, similar to that of adult female.

Second Antenna (Figure 34a–c): Protopodite without medial spines. Endopodite similar to that of adult female USNM 158247 in having a fairly long terminal spine on the 2nd endopodial joint; 1st joint with usual 2 anterior bristles (Figure 34a,b). Exopodite: 1st joint elongate with minute, terminal, medial bristle; bristle of 2nd joint reaching well past 9th joint, with about 15 ventral spines (distal spines more slender than proximal spines) followed by short slender spine-like ventral hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 similar in length to those of adult female but without proximal dorsal hairs, with 6–9 proximal ventral spines, and distal natatory hairs on both margins; 9th joint with 2 bristles (dorsal bristle short and with short marginal spines; ventral bristle about same length as combined joints 2–8, with few stout spines proximally along ventral margin and short hairs distally along both margins); basal spines absent but 9th joint with minute medial spine (could be considered unringed bristle, Figure 34c); joints 2–8 with minute spines forming row along distal margin.

Mandible (Figure 34d), Maxilla (Figure 34e), Fifth Limb (Figure 34f–k),Sixth Limb (Figure 34l): In general, similar to limbs of adult female.

Seventh Limb (Figure 34m,n): Each limb with same number of bristles as on adult female, but bristles strongly tapering and with fewer bells (juvenile characters). Tip of limb with comb of 3 recurved teeth opposite 2 pegs; comb and pegs occupy smaller area than on adult female.

Furca (Figure 34o,p): Each lamella with 6 claws; claws 1, 2, 4 stout; claws 3, 5, 6 slender; claw 1 with stout distal medial tooth and small teeth along posterior margin (Figure 34p); claw 3 about same length as claw 4; claw 6 about one-half length of claw 5.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 34q,r): Elongate with about 8 faint sutures in proximal half; broadening distally and with rounded tip.

Eyes (Figure 34q): Similar to those of adult female.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1984. "Philomedidae of the Continental Shelf of Eastern North America and the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Ostracoda: Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-78. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.393

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harbansus paucichelatus (Kornicker, 1958)

Philomedes paucichelata Kornicker, 1958:233, figs. 46, 4A,B, 54A–F., 55A–C, 87B,E,H.

Euphilomedes paucichelata.—Kornicker, 1970:36.

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 122905, dry specimen in poor condition.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Bimini Islands, Bahamas.

MATERIAL.—Belize: Sta 9: USNM 156981, 1 specimen; sta 16: USNM 156988, 1 adult male, USNM 156980, 156970, 10 specimens; sta 20: USNM 156991, 1 specimen; sta 24: USNM 157321. 1 specimen; sta 47: USNM 156990, 2 specimens; sta 62: USNM 157320, 1 ovigerous female.

Florida: Anclote Anchorage, sta 30: USNM 156992, 1 adult male. Biscayne Bay: USNM 156740, 1 specimen. Placida Harbor: sample 3: USNM 150107, 1 ovigerous female; USNM 151160, 1 adult female; USNM 151985, 25 specimens including 1 ovigerous female; USNM 151988, 1 ovigerous female; USNM 152302, 152309, 2 specimens; sample 4: USNM 149329, 1 ovigerous female; sample 5: USNM 151987, 1 adult female with 1 large egg either in marsupium or unextruded; USNM 151986, 2 specimens. Virginia Key: USNM 156738, 2 specimens including 1 ovigerous female.

Texas: Gulf of Mexico, off Galveston, R/V Gyre: Cruise 10: sta 8: USNM 156885, 156818, 156821, 5 specimens; sta 16: USNM 156905, 2 specimens; cruise 11: sta 1: USNM 156895, 156899, 3 specimens; sta 2: USNM 156894, 156881, 156900, 6 specimens; sta 5: USNM 156890, 156893, 4 specimens; sta 7: USNM 156823, 156886, 156888, 17 specimens; sta 8: USNM 156903, 156822, 5 specimens; sta 9. USNM 156827, 156896, 156879, 13 specimens; sta 11, USNM 156820, 156898, 156902, 13 specimens; sta 12: USNM 156880, 156882, 156883, 8 specimens. Gulf of Mexico, Heald Bank: USNM 96478, 1 ovigerous female.

DISTRIBUTION.—Bahamas; Belize; Florida: Anclote Anchorage, Biscayne Bay, Placida Harbor, Virginia Key; Texas: Gulf of Mexico off Galveston and on Heald Bank. Known depth range 15 cm to 57.75 m.

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 5–8; Plates 1, 2).—Carapace: Elongate with long narrow rostrum and small projecting caudal process; shallow vertical sulcus present on dorsal half of shell near middle (Figure 5); outline of sides parallel in dorsal view.

Ornamentation: Each valve with 2 horizontal ribs, upper rib dorsal to central adductor muscle scars and extending onto rostrum, but not projecting past rostrum, lower rib ventral to central adductor muscle scars; carapace with shallow fossae containing roughly concentric cresentic ridges (Plates 1a,d, 2a,b); bottom of fossae with (1) small nodes with central pit and (2) some flat-bottomed pits and low nodes (Plate 2b,c); area between fossae with (1) rimmed flat-bottomed pits containing ring of about 12 pustules on bottom (Plates 1e,f, 2b,c), (2) low nodes with central pit surrounded by 6–7 pustules (Plate 1e,f), and (3) open pores rimmed with pustules (Plate 1b,c,e); short blunt spines scattered over valve surface (these appear white in photographs) (Plates 1c,e,f, 2b,c); long bristles emerging from pore surrounded by wrinkled rims (Plate 1b,c); thin long rods shown on Plates 1e,f and 2c may be bristles; pustulose surface of valves visible only at high magnification (Plate 1b,c,e,f).

Infold: Infold of rostrum with 4 long spinous bristles (Figure 6a; Plate 2d); anteroventral infold with short bristle below inner end of incisur and with about 6 ridges parallel to valve margin; posteroventral and posterior infold with about 8 short bristles near inner margin of infold; ridge on infold of caudal process with 6 frondlike bristles (Figure 6b; Plate 2e,f).

Selvage: Fringed lamellar prolongation present along anterior, ventral, and posterior margins of each valve (Plate 1a).

Size: USNM 96478, length 0.96 mm, height

0.55 mm; USNM 149329, length 0.92 mm, height

0.56 mm; USNM 150107, length 0.91 mm, height

0.60 mm; USNM 156818, length 0.93 mm, height

0.55 mm; USNM 151160, length 0.96 mm, height

0.59 mm; USNM 151985, length 0.96 mm, height

0.57 mm; USNM 151988, length 0.94 mm, height

0.56 mm; USNM 151987, length 0.90 mm, height

0.57 mm; USNM 156738, length 1.03 mm, height

0.61 mm. Specimens reported from the Bahamas by Kornicker (1958:234) are not as long as the Florida specimens: 0.80–0.87 mm (Bahamas) compared to 0.90–1.03 mm (Florida).

First Antenna (Figure 6c): 1st joint: dorsal margin and medial surface spinous; lateral surface with few spines. 2nd joint: spinous, with 1 short dorsal bristle with long proximal spines. 3rd joint: short with 3 bristles (1 ventral, 2 dorsal). 4th joint: few proximal spines on medial surface and with 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal). 5th joint: sensory bristle with 2 short proximal filaments and 4 distal filaments including stem (1 short, 3 long). 6th joint: medial bristle of about half length of a-bristle of 7th joint. 7th joint: a-bristle with marginal spines; b-bristle about three-fourths length of sensory bristle of 5th joint, with 1 short distal filament excluding stem (may also have short proximal filament?); c-bristle about same length as sensory bristle, with 5 filaments excluding stem. 8th joint: d-and e-bristles bare with blunt tips, about same length as c-bristle; f-bristle about same length as c-bristle, with 4–5 filaments excluding stem; g-bristle same length as f-bristle, with 5 filaments excluding stem.

Second Antenna: Protopodite with spines forming rows on dorsal half of medial surface, but without medial bristle. Endopodite 2-jointed (Figures 6e, 8): 1st joint with 2 short bristles; 2nd joint elongate with 1 long mid-bristle on ventral margin; tip bare or with minute spine on dorsal margin. Exopodite (Figure 6d): 1st joint with small medial spine on distal margin; joints 2–8 with spines forming row along distal margin, bristle of 2nd joint with few long proximal hairs on dorsal margin, 9–16 spines along middle of ventral margin, and distal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 2–8 with few long proximal hairs on dorsal margin, 8–10 stout proximal spines along ventral margin, and distal natatory hairs; 9th joint with 2 bristles, ventral bristle with stout spines proximally along ventral margin and distal natatory hairs, dorsal bristle about one-half length of ventral bristle, with short marginal spines, basal spines absent, but 9th joint with minute lateral spine.

Mandible (Figure 6f): Coxale endite bifurcate; no small bristle at base. Basale: medial surface spinous with 2 short bristles near ventral margin (1 proximal, 1 near middle); lateral surface with few spines and 2 short spinous bristles near ventral margin; ventral margin with 1 medium terminal bristle; dorsal margin with 3 bristles (1 near middle, 2 terminal). Exopodite: one-half to three-fourths length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodite joint, hirsute near tip, with 2 bristles (outer bristle about one-fourth length of inner bristle). Endopodite: 1st joint with 3 terminal ventral bristles (2 long, 1 short); ventral margin of 2nd endopodite joint with distal bristles forming 2 groups, each with 2 bristles; dorsal margin with 5 bristles near middle, proximal 2 of these short (1 of the proximal bristles not shown in Figure 6f); end joint with 3 claws and 3 bristles, dorsal claw very short, all claws with minute ventral spines.

Maxilla (Figure 7a): Endites I and II with 6 distal bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and 4 distal bristles (proximal bristle lateral and could be considered to be on basale). Precoxale with transparent fringed epipodial appendage along dorsal margin. Coxale with stout hirsute dorsal bristle. Basale with 3 long bristles along distal margin. Exopodite short with 3 bristles (2 long, 1 short). Endopodite: 1st joint with 1 α-bristle and 2 β-bristles; end joint with 2 a-bristles and 7 terminal bristles, including 2 stout pectinate clawlike bristles.

Fifth Limb (Figure 7b,c): Epipodial appendage with 35–36 bristles. Endite I with 1 short bristle; endite II with about 5 bristles; endite III with about 8 bristles. Exopodite: 1st joint with anterior side with 1 bristle near middle of distal margin, main tooth with 3 constituent teeth (proximal of these small, peglike, other 2 trilobate), short spinous bristle present proximal to peglike tooth; 2nd joint with distal margin of large tooth almost straight, forming right angle with outer edge, inner edge of joint concave with prominent node near middle and on anterior side, bristles of posterior side not clearly observed on USNM 149329; 3rd joint with outer lobe with 2 bristles, inner lobe with 3; 4th and 5th joint hirsute, with 5 bristles. (Appendage could be interpreted as having 4 endites with 1 bristle on 1st and 2nd endites, 4 on 3rd, 8 on 4th.)

Sixth Limb (Figure 7d): 1 short spinous bristle in place of epipodial appendage; endite I with 3 spinous bristles (2 short, 1 long); endite II with 3 terminal bristles; endites III and IV with 5 terminal bristles; end joint not prolonged posteriorly, with 6 bristles (4 anterior bristles spinous, 2 posterior bristles plumose), hairs present on margin of end joint, proximal lateral surface of end joint, and on lateral surface in vicinity of epipodial bristle.

Seventh Limb (Figure 7e): Each limb with 6 bristles (2 proximal, 4 terminal), each bristle with marginal spines and 2–4 bells; terminal comb with about 6 teeth; 2–3 spinous pegs present opposite comb.

Furca (Figure 7f,g): Each lamella with 5 or 6 claws: claws 1, 2, 4 stout; claw 3 and claws following claw 4 short, slender; claw 3 shorter than claw 4; stout claws with teeth along posterior margin; short slender claws with slender spines along posterior margins; long hairs at bases of some claws and on lamellae posterior to claws. (The furca illustrated in Figure 7f which bears 7 claws is considered aberrant.)

Rod-shaped Organ (Figure 7h,i): Elongate with 3–4 faint sutures in proximal half; tip rounded with minute nipple. (Proximal segmentation more evident by spacing in sclerotized exoskeleton of organ than by sutures.)

Eyes (Figure 7h-j): Medial eye pigmented, bare; lateral eye small with 3 to 5 minute ommatidia.

Upper Lip (Figure 7i): With anterior hairs or processes; lateral process present on each side between upper lip and medial eye.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 7f): Normal for family.

Genitalia (Figure 7f): Sclerotized oval on each side proximal to furca.

Eggs: USNM 149329 with 3; USNM 150107 with 1; USNM 151985 with 3; USNM 151987 with 1; USNM 151988 with 1; USNM 156738 with 6.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figure 9).—Except for having a somwhat broader rostrum and caudal process, carapace of male similar in shape and ornamentation to that of adult female (Figure 9a,b); anterior edge of rostrum with about 8 minute teeth. Inner end of incisur with 2 bristles.

Infold: Infold of rostrum with 4 long bristles; 1 short bristle on infold ventral to inner end of incisur; ridge on infold of caudal process with 5 frondlike bristles.

Size: USNM 156992, length 0.84 mm, height 0.47 mm; USNM 156988, length 0.93 mm, height 0.49 mm.

First Antenna (Figure 9c) 1st joint: spines forming rows on medial surface. 2nd joint: 1 hirsute dorsal bristle. 3rd joint: short with 2 hirsute dorsal bristles, no ventral bristles. 4th joint: 1 dorsal bristle, no ventral bristles. 5th joint: wedged ventrally between 4th and 6th joints; 5th joint sensory bristle with bulbous proximal part with abundant filaments, and stem with 3 filaments near middle and 2 spines at tip. 6th joint: medial bristle with short marginal spines. 7th joint: a-bristle spinous, longer than bristle of 6th joint; b-bristle one-third longer than a-bristle, with 1 distal filament and 2 minute spines at tip; c-bristle longer than sensory bristle of 5th joint, with 4 marginal filaments and bifurcate tip. 8th joint: d-and e-bristles slightly shorter than c-bristle, bare with blunt tips (both bristles broken on illustrated appendage); f-bristle slightly shorter than c-bristle, with 5 marginal filaments and 2 minute spines at tip; g-bristle same length as c-bristle, with 5-marginal filaments and spine at tip.

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare (Figure 9d). Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 9a,d): 1st joint short with 4 short anterior bristles; 2nd joint elongate, with 2 long proximal bristles; 3rd joint elongate, reflexed, with 2 short bristles near sclerotized beaklike tip. Exopodite: 1st joint elongate with minute terminal medial bristle; 2nd joint slightly larger than 3rd, bristle of 2nd joint with 3 proximal hairs on dorsal margin followed by 6–10 stout spines on ventral margin, and also natatory hairs on both margins; bristles of joints 3–8 longer than bristle of 2nd joint, with more proximal hairs on dorsal margin than on bristle of 2nd joint, with only 3 or 4 stout spines on ventral margin, and also natatory hairs on both margins; 9th joint with 2 bristles (dorsal bristle shorter than ventral bristle and with 3 slender spines on dorsal margin followed by natatory hairs on both margins, ventral bristle with natatory hairs); joints 2–9 with short spines forming row along distal margin, no basal spines; joints of bristles with spines longer than joints with natatory hairs.

Mandible (Figure 9e): Coxale endite represented by minute, faint spine. Basale: medial surface spinous, with 2 short bristles near ventral margin (1 proximal, 1 near middle); ventral margin with 1 long spinous subterminal bristle; dorsal margin with 3 long bristles (2 terminal, 1 near middle); lateral surface with 2 spinous bristles with bases near or on ventral margin. Exopodite spinous, reaching past middle of dorsal margin of 1st endopodial joint, with 1 long and 1 short bristle. Endopodite narrow: 1st joint with medial spines and 3 ventral bristles (2 long, 1 short); 2nd joint with ventral margin with bristles forming 2 distal groups, each with 2 bristles, middle of dorsal margin with 5 bristles, medial surface of joint with spines forming rows; end joint with 2 long claws with ventral spines and few distal dorsal teeth, 1 short dorsal bristle (in place of usual claw), and 1 ventral bristle.

Maxilla: Limb reduced and with weakly developed bristles.

Fifth Limb (Figure 9f): Endites and exopodite weakly developed. Endite I with 2 weak bristles; endite II with about 3 weak bristles; endite III with about 4 bristles, 2 of these finger-formed. Exopodite: 1st and 2nd joints with bristles obscure but with 1 or 2 finger-formed bristles; 3rd joint with outer lobe with 2 slender ringed bristles, inner lobe obscure but possibly with 3 bristles; end joint with 4 bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figure 9g): Only 3 endites present (possibly 4th endite and end joint are fused). Endite I with 3 small bristles; endite II with 3 spinous and hirsute bristles; endite III with 5 spinous and hirsute bristles; end joint with 12 bristles, posterior 2 of these stout, hirsute; limb hirsute.

Seventh Limb: Absent on both specimens in collection.

Furca: Each lamella with 5 or 6 claws: claws 1, 2, 4 stout; claw 3 and claws following claw 4 slender, shorter than claw 4; all claws with teeth or slender spines along posterior margins.

Rod-shaped Organ (Figure 9h): Elongate with 4 faint sutures on middle part, tip rounded.

Eyes (Figure 9h): Medial eye pigmented, bare; lateral eye about same size as medial eye, pigmented, with about 12 ommatidia.

Upper Lip (Figure 9i): Helmet-shaped.

Genitalia (Figure 9j,k): Each limb elongate, lobate, with terminal process with marginal teeth.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1978. "Harbansus, a New Genus of Marine Ostracoda, and a Revision of the Philomedidae (Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-75. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.260

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harbansus paucichelatus (Kornicker, 1958)

Philomedes paucichelata Kornicker, 1958:233, figs. 46: 4a,b; 54A-E, 55A-C, 87B.E.H.

Euphilomedes paucichelata.—Kornicker, 1970:36.

Harbansus paucichelatus.—Kornicker, 1978:16, figs. 5–9, pls. 1, 2; 1984a:59, figs. 32–37.—Kornicker and Iliffe, 2000:15.

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 122905, dried specimen in poor condition.

MATERIAL.—Sugar Cay Blue Hole, Sugar Cay, Exuma Cays, Bahamas, Sta 95–091, depth 22 m: USNM 194553, partly dissected adult female in alcohol; USNM 194554, ovigerous female in alcohol; USNM 194555, adult female in alcohol. Conch Sound Blue Hole, Andros Island, Bahamas, Sta 96–040, depth 31 m: USNM 194565, dissected instar I on slide and in alcohol; USNM 194566, undissected instar I in alcohol; USNM 194567, dissected instar III male on slide and in alcohol; USNM 194568, undissected instar III male in alcohol; USNM 194569A, ovigerous female with 4 eggs in alcohol; USNM 194569B, adult female with 5 or 6 unextruded eggs in alcohol; USNM 194570, partly dissected instar IV? male in alcohol; USNM 194571, instar IV female on slide and in alcohol; USNM 194572, instar III male in alcohol (shell torn and not measured); USNM 194573, instar III female (lost); USNM 194574, undissected instar IV female in alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION.—This species, described originally from Bimini, Bahamas, is widespread in the western Atlantic from North Carolina to Belize. Known depth range 15 cm to 135 m (Kornicker, 1884:59). Collected herein in Sugar Cay Blue Hole, Sugar Cay, Exuma Cays, and Conch Sound Blue Hole, Andros Island, Great Bahama Bank.

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figure 23a–h).—Specimens with single rib near rostrum (Figure 23a,b,e,f); 2 lateral ridges indistinct and not always visible. Bristles on outer surface and along outer edge single, bare.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figure 23d): Consisting of about 9 oval scars dorsal to several elongate scars.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): Exuma Cays: USNM 194553, 1.03, 0.56; USNM 194554, 1.06, 0.60; USNM 194555, 1.01, 0.56. Andros Island: USNM 194569A, 1.06, 0.59; USNM 194569B, 1.08, 0.61.

Second Antenna (Figure 23g): Pivot sclerite long, straight.

Number of Eggs (Figure 23a): USNM 194554 with 3 eggs in marsupium. Length of 2 eggs (mm): 0.24, 0.29. USNM 194569A, 4 eggs in marsupium. Length of 1 egg 0.28 mm.

DISTRIBUTION.—See Kornicker and Iliffe, 2000:30.

Eusarsiella ryanae Kornicker and Iliffe, 2000

Eusarsiella ryanae Kornicker and Iliffe, 2000:30–45, figs. 14–24, 25a.

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 194475, ovigerous female.

MATERIAL.—Four Shark Cave, South Andros Island, Sta 97-023: USNM 194550, 2 ovigerous females in alcohol; USNM 194551, 1 partly dissected instar IV male in alcohol; USNM 194552, 8 instar I in alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION.—Exuma Sound, depth 67 m (Komicker and Iliffe, 2000). Collected herein in Four Shark Cave, South Andros Island, depth 27–33 m.

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE.—Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194550A, length with caudal process 1.00, length without caudal process 0.82, height 0.73; USNM 194550B, length with caudal process 0.95, length without caudal process 0.79, height 0.71.

Eggs: USNM 194550A with 1 extruded egg with length of 0.26 mm; USNM 194550B with 2 extruded eggs with lengths of 0.26 mm and 0.23 mm.

Attached Organisms: USNM 194550A with rotaloid Foraminifera attached to right valve near ventral margin at midlength.

DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR IV MALE (Figure 32).—Carapace similar in shape to that of instar III male (Figure 32a).

Ornamentation (Figure 30a,b): Surface with fossae formed by rings of minute pointed spines. Two weakly developed lateral horizontal ridges formed by spines similar in position to those of adult female. Long and short bristles along valve edge similar to those of adult female. Tip of caudal process with 4 bristles (long slender bristle on either side of 2 short bristles, the latter on minute pedestals) (Figure 32b). Gel-like substance observed filling space between short bristles along valve edge.

Infold (Figure 32b): Anterior infold with small bristle near midheight. Infold of caudal process with vertical row of 6 or 7 setose bristles and few smaller undivided bristles near inner margin of infold; posterior infold with 2 setal bristles near valve midheight.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194551, 0.84, 0.59.

First Antenna: Similar to that of adult female, but filaments on bristles of 7th and 8th joints not counted.

Second Antenna (Figure 32c,d): Protopodite bare. Endopodite 2-jointed: 1st joint with 2 anterior ringed proximal bristles; tip of 2nd joint with 2 short terminal bristles. Exopodite similar to that of adult female.

Mandible, Maxilla (Figure 32e), Fifth and Sixth Limbs (Figure 32g): Not examined in detail but similar to those of adult female. Endite III of maxilla with 6 bristles.

Seventh Limb (Figure 32f): Limb long and segmented, with 4 terminal bristles, 2 on each side, each with 3 to 5 bells; bristles with slight taper distally (juvenile character). Terminal combs absent.

Furca, Bellonci Organ (Figure 32c), Eyes (Figure 32c), Posterior of Body (Figure 32g), and Y-Sclerite (Figure 32g): Similar to those of adult female.

Copulatory Organ (Figure 32g): Bare lobe on each side of body posterior to 5th and 6th limbs.

Gut Content: With dark brown unidentified fragments.

ONTOGENY.—Kornicker and Iliffe (2000:37–42) described instars I to III of E. ryanae but had no instar IV in collection; therefore, an instar IV male in the present collection is described above.

The calculated growth factors of total carapace length between successive stages are as follows: I–II, 1.19; II–III, 1.18; III–IV (male), 1.25; IV (male)-adult female, 1.16; IV (male)-adult male, 0.96 (negative growth). The average growth factor for carapace length, including all instars and adult females, is 1.20. The morphology of the endopodite of the 2nd antenna of the instar IV male and adult male are similar. The 7th limb is bare on instar III but has 4 terminal bristles on instar IV. The bristles of the 7th limb differ from those of the adult male in being slightly tapered and in having some bristles with fewer terminal bells. The copulatory organ appears for the first time in the instar IV male as a bare lobe on each side of the body (Figure 32g).
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S., Iliffe, Thomas M., and Harrison-Nelson, Elizabeth. 2002. "Ostracoda (Myodocopa) from Bahamian Blue Holes." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-99. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.616