Portrait of a colony Scenedesmus falcatus (Chodat, 1894). Phase contrast.
Coelastrum astroideum (De Notaris 1867). Collected from freshwater aquaculture tub near Boise, Idaho December 2005. Brightfield.
Coelastrum astroideum (De Notaris 1867). Collected from freshwater aquaculture tub near Boise, Idaho December 2005.
Scenedesmus (sken-ee-des-mus) a common non-flagellated chlorophyte alga. Like all chlorophytes, Scenedesmus has a cell wall made of cellulose. The genus is comprised of species, all of which have clusters of four cells with spines emerging from the termini. Plastids with chlorophylls a and b and giving them a bright green colour. Differential interference contrast.
Scenedesmus flexuosus(Lemmermann) Ahlstrom. DIC.