in vivo view of the chemoheterotrophic bacterium Spirillum volutans (EHRENBERG,1832). Tufts of flagella (F) occur at both poles. The species name derives from the term "volutin" or metachromatic granules composed of polyphosphates.However, the granules (PHB) of S. volutans are,in fact,composed of the energy reserve compound,poly-β-hydroxybutyrate and do not contain polyphosphates.Collected from a putifying raw culture from a freshwater pond near Boise,Idaho.DIC.
in vivo view of the chemoheterotrophic bacterium Spirillum volutans (EHRENBERG,1832). Tufts of flagella occur at both poles. The species name derives from the term "volutin" or metachromatic granules composed of polyphosphates.However, the granules of S. volutans are,in fact,composed of the energy reserve compound,poly-β-hydroxybutyrate and do not contain polyphosphates.Collected from a putifying raw culture from a freshwater pond near Boise,Idaho.Phase contrast.
Sphaerotilus natans (previously known as Cladothrix dichotoma), one of two free-living bacteria which form branching arrays; in this case the branches are false - filaments adhere to each other in a way which looks as it there is a branching colony. Colourless. May be found in flocs, and encountered in sewage treatment systems.
Sphaerotilus natans (previously known as Cladothrix dichotoma), one of two free-living bacteria which form branching arrays; in this case the branches are false - filaments adhere to each other in a way which looks as it there is a branching colony. Colourless. May be found in flocs, and encountered in sewage treatment systems.
Zoogloeal bacteria grow within a soft mucus material and form slimy filaments in irregular flower-like structures. They are usually common in environments with lots of organic matter.
Detail of a zoogloeal aggregate. The individual bacterial cells are short rods and bound together in a delicate mucous
Gallionella (gally-on-elle-a) one of the iron bacteria, the bacteria attach to surfaces and grow producing a mucus sheath which acquires metal salts as it ages. The bacteria live in a fine tube in the centre of the filament. Phase contrast.
Accumulated accretions of iron bacteria found as epibionts on the leaves of the moss Hygrohypnum. Phase contrast.
Gallionella, iron bacterium. The bacterium creates a filament which adheres to surfaces. Many filaments may form aggregates. The mucus secretions become brown, thicker and more brittle with age.
Gallionella, iron bacterium. The bacterium creates a filament which adheres to surfaces. Many filaments may form aggregates. The mucus secretions become brown, thicker and more brittle with age. Growing cells are to the left.
Iron impregnated capsules of Gallionella.
This image is of a thick brittle film of iron bacteria that formed over the surface of some water taken from the margins of the lake. The bacteria produce tubes of extracellular mucoid material that absorbs metal ions and becomes brown as it ages.