Image of <i>Polyrhachis</i> (<i>Aulacomyrma</i>) <i>bedeloweryi</i> Kohout

Polyrhachis (Aulacomyrma) bedeloweryi Kohout

Taxonomic History

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Polyrhachis (Aulacomyrma) bedeloweryi Kohout, 2007c PDF: 217, figs. 55, 58, 61 (w.) NEW GUINEA. Australasia. AntCat AntWiki
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Figures 55, 58, 61


Dimensions: TL c. 5.29 - 5.54 (5.29); HL 1.37 - 1.40 (1.37); HW 1.22 - 1.25 (1.25); CI 89 - 91 (91); SL 1.53; SI 122 - 125 (1.22); PW 0.94 - 0.97 (0.97); MTL 1.56 - 1.59 (1.59) (4 measured).

Anterior clypeal margin arcuate with very shallow notch medially; basal margin flat, indicated only by a faint hairline; clypeus with shallow medial depression; very weakly convex in profile. Frontal carinae sinuate with laminate lobes; central area with a weak, short, longitudinal carina. Sides of head in front of eyes converging anteriorly, weakly convex; behind eyes rounding into convex preoccipital margin. Eyes convex, in full face view clearly breaking lateral cephalic outline. Mesosomal dorsum laterally marginate except pronotal margin posteriorly incomplete. Pronotal humeri armed with short, distinct teeth, their lateral margins continued posteriorly before merging with the outermost dorsal striae and curving onto sides. Promesonotal suture distinct; metanotal groove indicated by a shallow emargination in lateral outline of segment. Mesonotal and propodeal dorsa fused, posteriorly unarmed; descending into declivity in an abrupt, uninterrupted curve. Petiole with dorsal margin entire; lateral spines weakly curved backwards with tips upturned. First gastral segment with base medially truncate, anterodorsally immarginate and evenly curved onto dorsum of segment.

Mandibles finely longitudinally striate. Clypeus and sides of head shagreened, overlaid by weak irregular rugosity; rest of head with rather weak and shallow, mostly longitudinal striation, most distinct on vertex with striae converging between and behind frontal carinae, fading before reaching basal clypeal margin. Mesosomal dorsum with rather distinct, more-or-less regular striae; anteriorly converging on pronotal dorsum with outermost striae continued obliquely along sides. Striae on mesonotal and propodeal dorsa mostly longitudinal with outermost striae forming rounded posterior corners; median striae rounding into propodeal declivity, terminating just below level of dorsal face of segment. Sides of propodeum with mostly horizontally aligned striae. Petiole with both faces rather smooth, finely shagreened. Sides of first gastral segment distinctly longitudinally striate, striae becoming much finer towards dorsal and anterior faces of segment that are shagreened.

Off-white, sparse, rather short, erect or semierect hairs on all body surfaces, including leading edge of antennal scape. Greyish appressed pubescence present as scattered short hairs on dorsum of head; more concentrated on pronotal humeri, propodeal dorsum, petiole and coxae. Sides of propodeum and dorso-lateral borders of propodeal declivity with patches of relatively dense pubescence. Gastral dorsum anteriorly and laterally with light cover of off-white or golden pubescence, not masking underlying sculpture.

Black and rather shiny with appendages almost uniformly very dark reddish brown or black. Mandibular masticatory border reddish brown. Apex of last funicular segment and apical tarsal segments, distinctly light yellowish brown.

Sexuals and immature stages unknown.


PAPUA NEW GUINEA: E. Highlands Prov ., Chuave , 06 º 07 ’ S , 145 º 08 ’ E , 22 km SE , 2300 m, 24 - 28. xi. 1967 ( P. Colman ) (w) .


Named after the late B. B. (Bede) Lowery, S. J., whose significant collecting skills and activities across Australia, New Guinea and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, brought to light many new ant species, including a number of those described here.


The specimens of the type series were collected at the base of a Casuarina tree on the edge of a coffee plantation. P. bedeloweryi is relatively close to P. porcata . They share almost identical sculpture of the mesosomal dorsum. However, bedeloweryi differs in having the striation upon the head much finer, the eyes distinctly more convex, the petiole finely shagreened and the first gastral segment with the base only shallowly truncate, lacking the anterodorsal process found in porcata .

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Kohout, R. J., 2007, Revision of the subgenus Aulacomyrma Emery of the genus Polyrhachis F. Smith, with descriptions of new species., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 186-253, vol. 80
Kohout, R. J.
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Plazi (legacy text)