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Galerina ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Taxonomia Super-regneEukaryotaRegneFungiClasseAgaricomycetesOrdreAgaricalesFamíliaCortinariaceaeGènereGalerina
EarleTipus taxonòmic Galerina vittiformis Tradueix
  • Galerina Kühner
  • Naucoriopsis Kühner
  • Tubariopsis Kühner
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Galerina és un gènere de bolets amb espores marronoses que compta amb unes 300 espècies de distribució cosmopolita, arriben fins i tot a la remota Illa Macquarie.[1][2]Galerina significa com un casc.[3]

Les espècies d'aquest gènere són típicament menudes i amb un tronc trencadís. Prefereixen viure entre la molsa. Aquest gènere és conegut per la confusió d'algunes de les seves espècies tòxiques amb el gènere al·lucinogen Psilocybe.

Galerina resulta ser un gènere polifilètic,[1] consistent en almenys tres clades sense estar relacionats.[4]

Espècies notables

Galerina vittiformis és l'espècie tipus del gènere Galerina. Galerina marginata és un bolet verinós.[5] que es troba en zones temperades. Galerina autumnalis i cinc espècies més són de fet sinònims de Galerina marginata. Galerina sulciceps, espècie mortal que es fa a Indonèsia que sembla encara més tòxica que la farinera borda Amanita phalloides.[6]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Gulden GØ, Stensrud K, Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Kauserud H. «Galerina Earle: A polyphyletic genus in the consortium of dark-spored agarics» (PDF). Mycologia, 97, 4, 2005, pàg. 823–837. DOI: 10.3852/mycologia.97.4.823. PMID: 16457352.
  2. Wood AE. «Studies in the genus Galerina (Agaricales) in Australia». Australian Systematic Botany, 14, 4, 2001, pàg. 615–676. DOI: 10.1071/SB99016.
  3. Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Central Appalachians by William C. Roody
  4. Kühner R. «Agaricales de la zone alpine: Genres Galera Earle et Phaeogalera gen. nov». Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société Mycologique de France, 88, 1972, pàg. 41–153.
  5. Enjalbert F, Cassanas G, Rapior S, Renault C, Chaumont J-P., F.; Cassanas; Rapior; Renault; Chaumont «Amatoxins in wood-rotting Galerina marginata». Mycologia, 96, 4, 2004, pàg. 720-729. DOI: 10.2307/3762106.
  6. Klán J. «Prehled hub obsahujících amanitiny a faloidiny [A review of mushrooms containing amanitins and phalloidines]». Časopis Lékařů Českých, 132, 15, 1993, pàg. 449–451.


  • Gulden G. (1980). Alpine Galerinas (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) amb especial referència al sud de Noruega. Norwegian Journal of Botany 27: 219–253.
  • Gulden G, Hallgrímsson H. (2000). The genera Galerina and Phaeogalera (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) a Islàndia. Acta Botanica Islandica 13: 3–54.
  • Gulden G, Vesterholt J. (1999). The genera Galerina Earle and Phaeogalera Kuhner in the Faroe Islands. Nordic Journal of Botany 19: 685–706. (abstract)
  • Smith AH, Singer R. (1964). A monograph of the genus Galerina Earle. New York: Hafner Publishing Co. 384 p. (Text complet disponible en línia)

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Galerina: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Galerina és un gènere de bolets amb espores marronoses que compta amb unes 300 espècies de distribució cosmopolita, arriben fins i tot a la remota Illa Macquarie.Galerina significa com un casc.

Les espècies d'aquest gènere són típicament menudes i amb un tronc trencadís. Prefereixen viure entre la molsa. Aquest gènere és conegut per la confusió d'algunes de les seves espècies tòxiques amb el gènere al·lucinogen Psilocybe.

Galerina resulta ser un gènere polifilètic, consistent en almenys tres clades sense estar relacionats.

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Čepičatka ( Czech )

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Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.

Čepičatka (Galerina) je rod hub z čeledi límcovkovité (Strophariceae). Zástupci tohoto rodu jsou saprofyti (dekompozitoři), jsou typickým příkladem malých jedovatých hub, tzv. "houbiček", a obsahují amanotoxiny. 2

Obecná charakteristika

Většina zástupců rodu čepičatka jsou menší než 15 cm a jsou saprofyti. Nejčastějšími poznávacími znaky jsou lupeny nepřirostlé ke třeni, výtrusný prach, který je zbarven do odstínů žluté, oranžové nebo hnědé, konvexní až plochý klobouk, jenž je zcela lysý. Mohou být zaměněny s některými lysohlávkami (Psilocybe).
Vyskytují se na rozkládajícím se dřevě (většinou jehličnanů) nebo na bylinách především mechu. Některé druhy například čepičatka jehličnatá (Galerina marginata) byly nalezeny na bukovém dřevu. Další výjimku tvoří čepičatka nízká (Galerina pumila), která může rozkládat lišejníky. 2

Významní zástupci

  • Čepičatka jehličnatá – studiem DNA bylo zjištěno, že Galerina autumnalis a další druhy rodu čepičatka s podobnými morfologiemi jsou ve skutečnosti poddruhy čepičatky jehličnaté. Čepičatka jehličnatá je nejrozšířenějším zástupcem tohoto rodu.
  • Galerina sulciceps – jedná se o nejjedovatější houbu světa, vyskytuje se nejvíce v Indonésii, a má 3-5× více amanitinu než muchomůrka zelená (A. phalloides). 2

Synonyma (lat.)

  • Galerula
  • Meottomyces
  • Pholidotopsis
  • Velomycena 1

Přehled druhů



  • E. Garnweidner, Houby. Slovart 1995
  • L. Hagara, V. Antonín, J. Baier, Houby

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Čepičatka: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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ikona Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.

Čepičatka (Galerina) je rod hub z čeledi límcovkovité (Strophariceae). Zástupci tohoto rodu jsou saprofyti (dekompozitoři), jsou typickým příkladem malých jedovatých hub, tzv. "houbiček", a obsahují amanotoxiny. 2

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Häublinge ( German )

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Die Häublinge (Galerina) sind eine Pilzgattung aus der Familie Hymenogastraceae und zählen zu den sogenannten Little brown mushrooms.

Die Typusart ist der Veränderliche Moos-Häubling (Galerina vittiformis).


Makroskopische Merkmale

Die Fruchtkörper sind klein bis mittelgroß und ocker-, gelb- oder rostbraun gefärbt. Der Hut ist häutig-dünnfleischig und meist kegelig-glockig geformt. Seltener ist er halbkugelig bis konvex gewölbt ausgebildet. Darüber hinaus ist der Hut hygrophan, und sein Rand oft bis zur Mitte durchscheinend gestreift bis gerieft.

Die Lamellen sind breit angewachsen, angeheftet bis kurz herablaufend. Der zylindrische Stiel ist faserig oder bereift und kann auch faseriges Velum oder einen häutigen Ring besitzen. Das Sporenpulver ist gelb bis rostbraun gefärbt.

Mikroskopische Merkmale

Die Huthaut besteht aus mehr oder weniger radial angeordneten, liegenden Hyphen[1] und weist keine rundlichen Elemente auf. Die Lamellentrama ist regulär bis subregulär ausgebildet. Die Cheilozystiden sind immer, Pleurozystiden häufig vorhanden; mitunter lassen sich auch Kaulozystiden finden.

Die Sporen sind recht groß sowie mandelförmig-ellipsoid geformt. Die Oberfläche ist glatt bis feinwarzig und besitzt oft einen gut kenntlichen Plage-Bereich. Die Sporen besitzen keinen Keimporus, sind cyanophil und dextrinoid. Einige Arten weisen einen Kallus oder eine überstehende Sporenwand (kalyptrat) auf.[1]


Stockschwämmchen (Kuehneromyces) besitzen glatte Sporen mit Keimporus und keinen Plage-Bereich. Braunhäublinge (Phaeogalera) besitzt keine Pleurozystiden, haben tabakbraunes Sporenpulver und nicht dextrinoide Sporen mit Keimporus.


Weltweit werden für die Gattung über 100 Arten angegeben. Aus Mitteleuropa sind mehr als 50 Arten der Häublinge bekannt.[2]


Die meisten Arten leben als Saprobiont im Boden. Viele Vertreter leben auch an lebenden Moosen. Möglicherweise gehen sie eine Lebensgemeinschaft mit diesen ein.[3] Zahlreiche Arten ernähren sich von Holz und Pflanzenresten. Häublinge lassen sich in Wäldern, auf Wiesen, in Mooren und Heiden antreffen.[1]


Für Speisezwecke ist Galerina meist nicht ergiebig. Bezüglich Giftigkeit liegen über die meisten Arten keine Informationen vor.[3] Einige Arten sind stark giftig. Einer Studie zufolge ist Galerina sulcipes giftiger als der Grüne Knollenblätterpilz (Amanita phalloides).[4]


  1. a b c German Josef Krieglsteiner, Andreas Gminder (Hrsg.): Die Großpilze Baden-Württembergs. Band 5: Ständerpilze. Blätterpilze III. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-8001-3572-1, S. 311.
  2. Achim Bollmann, Andreas Gminder, Peter Reil: Abbildungsverzeichnis europäischer Großpilze, 4. Auflage. Gattungs-CD. Schwarzwälder Pilzlehrschau, Hornberg. 2007.
  3. a b Ewald Gerhardt: BLV Handbuch Pilze. BLV, München 2006, ISBN 3-8354-0053-3, S. 289.
  4. J. Klán: A review of mushrooms containing amanitins and phalloidines. Časopis Lékařů Českých 132 (15), 1993, S. 449–451. PMID 8370054.
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Häublinge: Brief Summary ( German )

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Die Häublinge (Galerina) sind eine Pilzgattung aus der Familie Hymenogastraceae und zählen zu den sogenannten Little brown mushrooms.

Die Typusart ist der Veränderliche Moos-Häubling (Galerina vittiformis).

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Galerina is a genus of small brown-spore saprobic fungi (colloquially often mushrooms), with over 300 species found throughout the world from the far north to remote Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean.[2][3] The genus is most noted for some extremely poisonous species which are occasionally confused with hallucinogenic species of Psilocybe. Species are typically small and hygrophanous, with a slender and brittle stem. They are often found growing on wood, and when on the ground have a preference for mossy habitats.

Galerina means helmet-like.[4]

Taxonomic definition

The genus Galerina is defined as small mushrooms of mycenoid stature, that is, roughly similar in form to Mycena species: a small conical to bell-shaped cap, and gills attached to a long and slender cartilaginous stem. Species have a pileipellis that is a cutis, and ornamented spores that are brown in deposit, where the spore ornamentation comes from an extra spore covering.


Galerina patagonica at Marriott Falls Track, Tasmania, Australia

Galerina fruiting bodies are typically small, undistinguished mushrooms with a typical "little brown mushroom" morphology and a yellow-brown, light brown to cinnamon-brown spore print. The pileus is typically glabrous and often hygrophanous, and a cortina-type veil is present in young specimens of roughly half of recognized species, though it sometimes disappears as the mushroom ages in many of these species. Microscopically, they are highly variable as well, though most species have spores that are ornamented, lack a germ pore, and have a plage. Many species also have characteristic tibiiform cystidia. However, there are many exceptions, and many species of Galerina lack one or more of these microscopic characteristics. Ecologically, all Galerina are saprobic, growing in habitats like rotting wood or in moss.[2]

The spores of Galerina feature an ornamentation that comes from the outer layer of the spore breaking up on maturity to produce either warts, wrinkles or "ears", flaps of material loosened from where the spore was attached to the basidia. This outer layer of the spore often is not complete, but has a clear patch in many species just above the attachment, this clear patch is called a plage. This plage is not evident in all species, and the spore covering does not always breakup in all species, making it sometimes difficult to correctly determine a mushroom of this genus.

The specific features that define the genus require a microscope to confirm. In the wild it can be difficult to determine a Galerina from a number of similar genera, such as Pholiota, Tubaria, Conocybe, Pholiotina, Agrocybe, Gymnopilus, Phaeogalera and Psilocybe. For the most part, Galerinas will be found associated with moss, and this can separate out the genus in nature fairly well. But this identification is more difficult in the section Naucoriopsis, which does not associate with moss, and is a decomposer of wood.

Phaeogalera is a genus that was segregated from Galerina by Robert Kühner.[5]


Galerina has recently been found to be polyphyletic,[2] consisting of at least three unrelated clades, although not all species were studied and for most currently recognized species is uncertain still in which they belong. Each of these clades corresponds to a subgenus of Galerina, as outlined by Kühner.[5] The great diversity of micromorphology found in Galerina is probably due to the polyphyly of the genus.

Toxicity of some species

Many (though not all) Galerina contain alpha-amanitin and other amatoxins.[6]

Galerina marginata (also known as "autumn skullcap", "deadly galerina", etc.) is a poisonous species[7] found throughout the temperate regions of the world, in habitats as diverse as forests and urban parklands, wherever rotting wood is found. DNA studies[8] found that Galerina autumnalis and five other species of Galerina with similar morphologies were, in fact, synonyms of Galerina marginata.

Galerina sulciceps, is a lethal species found in Indonesia and responsible for deaths there. One study found it more toxic than Amanita phalloides.[9]

Galerina steglichii is very rare, bruises blue and contains the hallucinogen psilocybin.[10][11]


The extreme toxicity of some Galerina species means that recognition of Galerina is of great importance to mushroom hunters who are seeking hallucinogenic Psilocybe mushrooms. Species like Galerina marginata may bear a superficial resemblance to Psilocybe cyanescens and other Psilocybe species, and has often been found growing amongst and around Psilocybe cyanescens and other Psilocybe species, making identification all the more confusing to the uninitiated. Galerina can be distinguished from psilocybin Psilocybe by the following characteristics:

  • Spore print color: blackish-brown to lilac-brown in Psilocybe, light brown to rusty brown in Galerina. Spore color can be seen by taking a spore print or by looking for evidence of spore drop on the stipe or on surrounding mushrooms.
  • Staining reaction: Psilocybin Psilocybe fruiting bodies stain blue to varying degrees when bruised, while Galerina do not. The strength of this reaction varies with the amount of psilocin present in the tissues of the mushroom.[12] Fruiting bodies with little psilocin (such as Psilocybe semilanceata, with high psilocybin and low psilocin content) will stain weakly if at all, while sporocarps with a high psilocin content will stain strongly blue. Only one rare Galerina has blue-staining tissue, though in some cases the flesh will blacken when handled, and this may be misinterpreted as a bluing reaction.[13]

Although these rules are specific to the separation of Galerina from certain Psilocybe, since mixed patches of Psilocybe and Galerina can occur, it is essential to be sure of the identity of each sporocarp collected.

Galerina also present some risk of confusion with several species of small edible mushrooms, notably Kuehneromyces mutabilis and candy caps (L. camphoratus and allies).[14][15]

Other notable species

Galerina vittiformis is the type species of the genus Galerina. This species is common in beds of damp moss (along with many other species of Galerina). There are a number of variations of this species that have been named over the years: var. vittiformis f. vittiformis is a 2-spored species; var. vittiformis f. tetrasporis is a 4-spored form; var. pachyspora has been collected on Macquarie Island.[3]

Galerina patagonica has a Gondwanan distribution.[16] Galerina hypnorum is a widespread species.

Galerina graminea can survive in moss-free grass, unlike many Galerina mushrooms. It was known for many years as 'Galerina laevis', proposed by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon.

Several Galerina species are listed by the US Forest Service as "species of special concern" in the Northwest Forest Plan.[17] These species are considered indicator species for old growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest: Galerina atkinsonia,[18] Galerina cerina,[19] Galerina heterocystis,[19] Galerina sphagnicola,[19] and Galerina vittiformis.[20]


  1. ^ "Galerina Earle 1909". MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Retrieved 2011-12-24.
  2. ^ a b c Gulden GØ, Stensrud K, Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Kauserud H (2005). "Galerina Earle: A polyphyletic genus in the consortium of dark-spored agarics" (PDF). Mycologia. 97 (4): 823–837. doi:10.3852/mycologia.97.4.823. PMID 16457352.
  3. ^ a b Wood AE (2001). "Studies in the genus Galerina (Agaricales) in Australia". Australian Systematic Botany. 14 (4): 615–676. doi:10.1071/SB99016.
  4. ^ Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Central Appalachians by William C. Roody
  5. ^ a b Kühner R. (1972). "Agaricales de la zone alpine: Genres Galera Earle et Phaeogalera gen. nov". Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société Mycologique de France. 88: 41–153.
  6. ^ Enjalbert F, Cassanas G, Rapior S, Renault C, Chaumont JP (2004). "Amatoxins in wood-rotting Galerina marginata" (PDF). Mycologia. 96 (4): 720–729. doi:10.2307/3762106. JSTOR 3762106. PMID 21148893. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-18.
  7. ^ Enjalbert F, Cassanas G, Rapior S, Renault C, Chaumont J-P (2004). "Amatoxins in wood-rotting Galerina marginata". Mycologia. 96 (4): 720–729. doi:10.2307/3762106. JSTOR 3762106. PMID 21148893.
  8. ^ Gulden G, Dunham S, Stockman J (2001). "DNA studies in the Galerina marginata complex". Mycological Research. 105 (4): 432–440. doi:10.1017/S0953756201003707.
  9. ^ Klán J. (1993). "Prehled hub obsahujících amanitiny a faloidiny [A review of mushrooms containing amanitins and phalloidines]". Časopis Lékařů Českých. 132 (15): 449–451.
  10. ^ Gartz J. (1995). "Cultivation and analysis of Psilocybe species and an investigation of Galerina steglichi". Annali Museo Civico di Rovereto. 10: 297–306. Archived from the original on 2013-07-26. Retrieved 2007-01-10.
  11. ^ Besl H. (1993). "Galerina steglichii spec. nov, ein halluzinogener Haeubling". Zeitschrift für Mykologie. 59: 215–218.
  12. ^ Stamets P. (1996). Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide. Berkeley, California: Ten Speed Press. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-89815-839-7.
  13. ^ Kuo M. (2004). "Galerina marginata ("Galerina autumnalis")". MushroomExpert.com.
  14. ^ Campbell D. (2004). "The candy cap complex" (PDF). Mycena News. 55 (3): 3–4. Retrieved 2015-06-07. (scroll down)
  15. ^ Kuo M. (2007). "Lactarius camphoratus". MushroomExpert.com. Retrieved 2009-02-16.
  16. ^ Laursen GA, Horak E, Taylor DL (2005). "Galerina patagonica Singer from Gondwanian mainland AU and NZ, their subantarctic islands, and Patagonia". Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan. 49: 149.
  17. ^ Castellano MA, Cázares E, Fondrick B, Dreisbach T (2003). "Part 1". Handbook to additional fungal species of special concern in the Northwest Forest Plan (General Technical Report PNW-GTR-572) (PDF). Portland, OR: USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. p. 144 p. (Hereafter referred to as "Castellano, et al. 2003.")
  18. ^ Castellano, et al. 2003. Part 4.
  19. ^ a b c Castellano, et al. 2003. Part 5.
  20. ^ Castellano, et al. 2003. Part 6.
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Galerina: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Galerina is a genus of small brown-spore saprobic fungi (colloquially often mushrooms), with over 300 species found throughout the world from the far north to remote Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean. The genus is most noted for some extremely poisonous species which are occasionally confused with hallucinogenic species of Psilocybe. Species are typically small and hygrophanous, with a slender and brittle stem. They are often found growing on wood, and when on the ground have a preference for mossy habitats.

Galerina means helmet-like.

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Galerina ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Galerina es un género de hongos basidiomicetos de la familia Strophariaceae.[3]​ Este género de hongo del orden Agaricales cuenta con 64 especies.[4][5][6]



Este género de hongos contiene especies venenosas.


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Galerina: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Galerina es un género de hongos basidiomicetos de la familia Strophariaceae.​ Este género de hongo del orden Agaricales cuenta con 64 especies.​​​

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Galerina ( French )

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Galerina est un genre de champignons basidiomycètes de la famille des Strophariaceae.

Ce sont de petits champignons campanulés, umbonés, ou coniques, saprophages et avec un sporophore brun pour la plupart. Le représentant de ce genre le plus connu est Galerina marginata, champignon extrêmement toxique, dont les toxines sont proches de celles de l'Amanite phalloïde.

Regroupement d'espèces

Avant 2001, on considérait les espèces Galerina autumnalis, Galerina oregonensis,Galerina unicolor et Galerina venenata distinctes en raison de différences de leur habitat et de la viscosité de leur chapeau, mais les analyses phylogénétiques ont montré qu'il s'agit de la même espèce[1].

Liste d'espèces

Selon Index Fungorum (29 octobre 2013)[2] :

Notes et références

  1. Gulden G, Dunham S, Stockman J.. "DNA studies in the Galerina marginata complex". Mycological Research 105 (4): 432–40. 2001
  2. Index Fungorum, consulté le 29 octobre 2013

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Galerina: Brief Summary ( French )

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Galerina est un genre de champignons basidiomycètes de la famille des Strophariaceae.

Ce sont de petits champignons campanulés, umbonés, ou coniques, saprophages et avec un sporophore brun pour la plupart. Le représentant de ce genre le plus connu est Galerina marginata, champignon extrêmement toxique, dont les toxines sont proches de celles de l'Amanite phalloïde.

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Galerina ( Italian )

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Galerina Earle, Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden 5: 423 (1909).

Galerina è un genere di funghi lignicoli o terricoli, saprofiti, di piccola taglia, che include più di 300 specie diffuse in tutto il mondo, alcune delle quali vengono spesso confuse con specie allucinogene del genere Psilocybe.

Hanno le seguenti caratteristiche:

cuticola del cappello
sottile, asciutta, igrofana, con o senza residui di velo
asciutto, nudo o con residui di velo
da giallo a bruno, lisce o verrucose, amigdaliformi, di solito senza poro germinativo.


Senza valore. Almeno una specie (Galerina marginata) ha causato avvelenamenti mortali.

Specie di Galerina

La specie tipo è Galerina vittiformis (Fr.) Earle (1909), altre specie incluse nel genere sono:


Molte specie di Galerina contengono amanitina ed altre amatossine e pertanto il genere annovera svariate specie mortali.

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Galerina: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Galerina Earle, Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden 5: 423 (1909).

Galerina è un genere di funghi lignicoli o terricoli, saprofiti, di piccola taglia, che include più di 300 specie diffuse in tutto il mondo, alcune delle quali vengono spesso confuse con specie allucinogene del genere Psilocybe.

Hanno le seguenti caratteristiche:

cuticola del cappello sottile, asciutta, igrofana, con o senza residui di velo lamelle adnate gambo asciutto, nudo o con residui di velo spore da giallo a bruno, lisce o verrucose, amigdaliformi, di solito senza poro germinativo.
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Kūgiabudė ( Lithuanian )

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Kūgiabudė (lot. Galerina, vok. Häublinge) – nuosėdinių (Cortinariaceae) šeimos grybų gentis.

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Galerina ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL

Galerina is een geslacht van bruin-sporige, saprotrofe schimmels uit de familie Strophariaceae , met meer dan 300 soorten die over de hele wereld gevonden worden.

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Galerina: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL

Galerina is een geslacht van bruin-sporige, saprotrofe schimmels uit de familie Strophariaceae , met meer dan 300 soorten die over de hele wereld gevonden worden.

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Galerina ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL

Galerina Earle (hełmówka) – rodzaj grzybów należący do rodziny Hymenogastraceae[1].

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji: Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi według Index Fungorum[1].

Synonimy naukowe: Agaricus trib. Galera Fr., Galera (Fr.) P. Kumm., Galerula P. Karst., Phaeogalera Kühner, Pholidotopsis Earle, Velomycena Pilát, Schweiz. Z. Pilzk[2].

Nazwę polską podali Barbara Gumińska i Władysław Wojewoda w 1983 r. W polskim piśmiennictwie mykologicznym należące do tego rodzaju gatunki opisywane były dawniej jako bedłka lub łuskwiak[3].


Saprotrofy rosnące na mchu, ziemi lub drewnie. Owocniki wysmukłe z cienką skórką, mającą promieniowe strzępki. Kapelusze przeważnie suche, higrofaniczne, ze śladami osłony lub bez nich. Blaszki przyrośnięte. Trzony suche, kosmkowate lub nagie, rzadko ze skórkowatym pierścieniem, czasami ze strefą pierścieniową. Wysyp zarodników rdzawożółty lub rdzawobrązowy. Zarodniki gładkie do brodawkowatych, migdałkowate, zwykle bez pory rostkowej, trama blaszek regularna (strzępki biegną równolegle)[4].

Identyfikacja wielu gatunków hełmówek jest trudna i często konieczna jest analiza ich cech mikroskopowych[4].

Gatunki występujące w Polsce

Wykaz gatunków (nazwy naukowe) na podstawie Index Fungorum. Uwzględniono tylko gatunki zweryfikowane o potwierdzonym statusie[9]. Nazwy polskie według Władysława Wojewody[3].


  1. a b Index Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2016-11-08].
  2. Species Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2013-09-15].
  3. a b Władysław Wojewoda: Checklist of Polish Larger Basidiomycetes. Krytyczna lista wielkoowocnikowych grzybów podstawkowych Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003. ISBN 83-89648-09-1.
  4. a b Ewald Gerhardt: Grzyby – wielki ilustrowany przewodnik. KDC, s. 378. ISBN 83-7404-513-2.
  5. W. Wojewoda podaje nazwę polską dla synonimu G. pseudobadipes.
  6. W. Wojewoda podał nazwę dla synonimu Galerina laevis
  7. W. Wojewoda podał polska nazwę dla synonimu Galerina josserandii Kühner
  8. Nazwa według S. Domańskiego
  9. Index Fungorum (gatunki) (ang.). [dostęp 2013-09-20].
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Galerina: Brief Summary ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL
 src= Hełmówka jadowita  src= Hełmówka błotna

Galerina Earle (hełmówka) – rodzaj grzybów należący do rodziny Hymenogastraceae.

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Galerina ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Galerina é um género de cogumelos saprófitas com esporos castanhos, compreendendo mais de 300 espécies encontradas em todo o mundo.[2][3] As espécies são geralmente pequenas e higrófanas, com estipe delgado e quebradiço. Frequentemente encontram-se sobre madeira, e quando presentes no solo preferem ambientes musgosos. Este grupo é notório por suas espécies tóxicas que são ocasionalmente confundidas com espécies alucinógenas de Psilocybe.


  1. «Galerina Earle 1909». MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Consultado em 24 de dezembro de 2011
  2. Gulden G, Stensrud K, Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Kauserud H (2005). «Galerina Earle: A polyphyletic genus in the consortium of dark-spored agarics» (PDF). Mycologia. 97 (4): 823–837. PMID 16457352. doi:10.3852/mycologia.97.4.823
  3. Wood AE. (2001). «Studies in the genus Galerina (Agaricales) in Australia». Australian Systematic Botany. 14 (4): 615–676. doi:10.1071/SB99016
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Galerina: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Galerina é um género de cogumelos saprófitas com esporos castanhos, compreendendo mais de 300 espécies encontradas em todo o mundo. As espécies são geralmente pequenas e higrófanas, com estipe delgado e quebradiço. Frequentemente encontram-se sobre madeira, e quando presentes no solo preferem ambientes musgosos. Este grupo é notório por suas espécies tóxicas que são ocasionalmente confundidas com espécies alucinógenas de Psilocybe.

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Галерина ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Грибы
Подцарство: Высшие грибы
Подотдел: Agaricomycotina
Порядок: Агариковые
Семейство: Строфариевые
Род: Галерина
Международное научное название

Galerina Earle, 1909

Типовой вид Commons-logo.svg
на Викискладе
NCBI 109632EOL 16646MB 17631

Галери́на (лат. Galerina) — род грибов семейства Строфариевые (Strophariaceae). Иногда переносится в семейство Cortinariaceae. Включает более 300 видов небольших пластинчатых грибов с коричневыми спорами, большинство из которых описано из Северного полушария. Филогенетические исследования некоторых видов доказали полифилетичность рода. В него входят как минимум три неродственные друг другу группы (клады)[1].





Основная статья: Виды рода Галерина



  1. Gro Gulden et al. Galerina Earle: A polyphyletic genus in the consortium of dark-spored agarics (неопр.) (2005). Проверено 31 августа 2010. Архивировано 9 мая 2012 года.
  2. Gulden G, Dunham S, Stockman J. DNA studies in the Galerina marginata complex // Mycological Research. — 2001. — Vol. 105, № 4. — P. 432–40. — DOI:10.1017/S0953756201003707.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Галерина: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Галери́на (лат. Galerina) — род грибов семейства Строфариевые (Strophariaceae). Иногда переносится в семейство Cortinariaceae. Включает более 300 видов небольших пластинчатых грибов с коричневыми спорами, большинство из которых описано из Северного полушария. Филогенетические исследования некоторых видов доказали полифилетичность рода. В него входят как минимум три неродственные друг другу группы (клады).

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ケコガサタケ属 ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
ケコガサタケ属 Galerina marginata.jpg
ヒメアジロガサ (G. marginata)
分類 : 菌界 Fungi : 担子菌亜門 Basidiomycota : 真正担子菌綱 Basidiomycetes : ハラタケ目 Agaricales : フウセンタケ科 Cortinariaceae : ケコガサタケ属 Galerina 学名 Galerina 和名 ケコガサタケ属

ケコガサタケ属(ケコガサタケぞく、学名 Galerina)はフウセンタケ科に属するキノコの属である。猛毒アマトキシン類を含むものがある。






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ケコガサタケ属: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語

ケコガサタケ属(ケコガサタケぞく、学名 Galerina)はフウセンタケ科に属するキノコの属である。猛毒アマトキシン類を含むものがある。

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