
Importer le journal pour World Register of Marine Species

  • Started: February 15, 2021 11:50
  • Completed: 12:14:23
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 12:14:23 (ends) Complete
  • 12:14:23 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 23.7m
  • 12:13:44 (starts) #fix_missing_icons (just to be safe)
  • 12:13:35 (starts) #propagate_reference_ids
  • 12:13:30 (starts) Resource#fix_native_nodes
  • 12:13:30 (warns) Trait Publishing failed: The transaction has been terminated. Retry your operation in a new transaction, and you should see a successful result. The transaction has not completed within the specified timeout (dbms.transaction.timeout). You may want to retry with a longer timeout. FROM /usr/local/bundle/gems/neo4j-ruby-driver-1.7.4/ffi/neo4j/driver/internal/handlers/response_handler.rb:38:in `check_summary_failure' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:438:in `build_nodes' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:259:in `block (2 levels) in load_csv' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:258:in `each' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:258:in `block in load_csv' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:274:in `block in break_up_large_files'
  • 12:11:30 (starts) #publish_traits = TraitBank::Slurp.load_resource_from_repo
  • 12:11:30 (starts) Remove traits
  • 12:11:28 (starts) Fixing counter-culture counts...
  • 12:11:28 (starts) import 727 page contents...
  • 12:11:28 (infos) Batch 59/59...
  • 12:11:27 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:27 (infos) Batch 58/59...
  • 12:11:27 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:27 (infos) Batch 57/59...
  • 12:11:26 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:26 (infos) Batch 56/59...
  • 12:11:26 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:26 (infos) Batch 55/59...
  • 12:11:26 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:26 (infos) Batch 54/59...
  • 12:11:25 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:25 (infos) Batch 53/59...
  • 12:11:25 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:25 (infos) Batch 52/59...
  • 12:11:25 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:24 (infos) Batch 51/59...
  • 12:11:24 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:24 (infos) Batch 50/59...
  • 12:11:24 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:24 (infos) Batch 49/59...
  • 12:11:23 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:23 (infos) Batch 48/59...
  • 12:11:23 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:23 (infos) Batch 47/59...
  • 12:11:23 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:23 (infos) Batch 46/59...
  • 12:11:22 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:22 (infos) Batch 45/59...
  • 12:11:22 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:22 (infos) Batch 44/59...
  • 12:11:21 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:21 (infos) Batch 43/59...
  • 12:11:21 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:21 (infos) Batch 42/59...
  • 12:11:21 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:21 (infos) Batch 41/59...
  • 12:11:20 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 12:11:20 (infos) Batch 40/59...
  • 12:11:20 (starts) import 1000 page contents...