
Importer le journal pour iDigBio type specimen records

  • Started: February 10, 2022 09:01
  • Completed: 10:17:12
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 10:17:12 (ends) Complete
  • 10:17:12 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 76.1m
  • 10:17:12 (starts) TraitBank::Denormalizer.update_resource_vernaculars
  • 10:17:12 (starts) Running
  • 10:17:07 (starts) Resource#fix_native_nodes
  • 10:17:07 (starts) Running
  • 10:17:07 (warns) Trait Publishing failed: At https://eol.org/data/tdfidbdt/publish_metadata_chunk_6.csv @ position 20910899 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Davis,W.J. ",,,,,,,,false OccurrenceMetadatum-51255764,R1091-PK254237330,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/identifiedBy,"DD' FROM /usr/local/bundle/bundler/gems/neo4j-ruby-driver-fe5438fb945d/ffi/neo4j/driver/internal/handlers/response_handler.rb:38:in `check_summary_failure' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:560:in `merge_triple' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:447:in `block in load_csv_where' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:447:in `each' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:447:in `load_csv_where' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:331:in `block (2 levels) in load_csv'
  • 10:16:52 (warns) FAILED on build_nodes query (MetaData), will re-try once...
  • 10:16:52 (warns) At https://eol.org/data/tdfidbdt/publish_metadata_chunk_6.csv @ position 20910899 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Davis,W.J. ",,,,,,,,false OccurrenceMetadatum-51255764,R1091-PK254237330,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/identifiedBy,"DD'
  • 10:16:39 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_6.csv
  • 10:01:39 (infos) Waiting 900 seconds for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 10:00:19 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_5.csv
  • 09:47:49 (infos) Waiting 750 seconds for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 09:46:45 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_4.csv
  • 09:36:44 (infos) Waiting 600 seconds for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 09:35:26 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_3.csv
  • 09:27:56 (infos) Waiting 450 seconds for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 09:26:45 (warns) FAILED on build_nodes query (MetaData), will re-try once...
  • 09:26:45 (warns) The transaction has been terminated. Retry your operation in a new transaction, and you should see a successful result. The transaction has not completed within the specified timeout (dbms.transaction.timeout). You may want to retry with a longer timeout.
  • 09:25:23 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_2.csv
  • 09:20:22 (infos) Waiting 300 seconds for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 09:19:06 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_1.csv
  • 09:19:06 (warns) Found 6630120 rows, will break up into 250000
  • 09:19:06 (infos) adding new metadata
  • 09:17:19 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_traits_chunk_2.csv
  • 09:14:43 (infos) Importing 250000 rows from publish_traits_chunk_1.csv
  • 09:14:43 (warns) Found 475231 rows, will break up into 250000
  • 09:14:43 (infos) adding new traits
  • 09:09:27 (infos) removing all traits
  • 09:09:14 (infos) polling for trait diff metadata: /resources/1091/publish_diffs.json
  • 09:09:14 (starts) #publish_traits = TraitBank::Slurp.load_resource_from_repo
  • 09:09:14 (starts) Running
  • 09:09:13 (starts) Fixing native nodes...
  • 09:09:13 (warns) Skipping reindexing. You should reindex soon.
  • 09:09:13 (infos) importing 436 Pages
  • 09:09:12 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:12 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:12 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:12 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:11 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:11 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:11 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:11 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:10 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:10 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:10 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:09 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:09 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:08 (infos) importing 1000 Pages
  • 09:09:08 (infos) importing 1000 Pages