
Description ( anglais )

fourni par NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

“Genus Euthrenopsis nov.

Shells superficially very similar to Euthrena but with a distinctive protoconch and entire absence of the characteristic Buccinuloid parietal tubercle. Study of the dentition is essential in order to express the true relationship of this distinctive genus but meanwhile it is placed near the genus to which it shows closest affinity. The protoconch is small of two globose whorls, the first whorl smooth, the second with five prominent, rounded spiral cords. There is a brief stage towards the termination of the protoconch showing fine irregular axial growth lines but not sufficiently strong to cause reticulation as in Euthrena. The Euthrena protoconch is the reverse of this arrangement, axials predominating later reticulated by spirals. The fact that the aperture in Euthrenopsis is strongly armed along the outer lip but lacks the Buccinuloid parietal tubercle is another reason for separating these shells.

Euthrenopsis resembles Zeapollia in the lack of the parietal tubercle, but the latter genus, as shown by the protoconch of acuticingulata the genotype, is not closely related to the Buccinulum series, the one and a half smooth bulbous whorls being abruptly marked off from the adult sculpture of strong axials and spirals.

Type Euthrenopsis otagoensis nov.”

(Powell, 1929: 88)