Image de Platynus (Platynus) daviesi Bousquet 2012
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Platynus (Platynus) daviesi Bousquet 2012

Description ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
Habitus (Fig. 1). Coloration. Body dorsally without metallic lustre, brownish red to reddish brown or reddish piceous, with lateral margins of pronotum and elytra paler, yellowish. Antennomeres brownish red to reddish brown, though antennomeres 2 and/or 3 often slightly darker than remaining ones, femora and tibiae also brownish red to reddish brown, though tibiae often slightly paler than femora; tarsomeres paler, yellowish. Frons with two distinct rufous median spots in many specimens. Microsculpture. Vertex, less so at centre, with well impressed isodiametric meshes; clypeus with transverse meshes laterally and over anterior half; labrum with well impressed, more or less isodiametric meshes. Pronotum with well impressed moderately transverse meshes on disc, with isodiametric meshes at base between impressions; lateral margins with more or less distinct transverse meshes. Elytra with well impressed, very transverse meshes. Head. Eyes moderately protruding. Antennae elongate, antennomere 9 more than four times as long as wide. Mandible not particularly elongate, with retinacular tooth covered by labrum in dorsal view. Anterior edge of mentum tooth not or very slightly emarginate. Submentum with two lateral setae on each side. Pronotum. Disc flat. Lateral edge with very shallow sinuation on posterior half. Anterior angle protruding anteriad; posterior angle obtusely rounded. Laterobasal impression deep, rounded, punctate, though in some specimens sparsely so, without convexity. Lateral margin widely reflexed over entire length, punctate toward base, though usually sparsely so; lateral bead indistinct; basal bead indistinct laterally, more or less distinct between impressions. Midlateral and laterobasal setae present; basal seta close to, or even touching, lateral edge. Anterotransverse impression very shallow. Elytra. Humerus rounded. Striae moderately finely impressed up to apex, shallowly and sparsely punctate to impunctate; stria 7 usually as impressed as stria 6. Intervals flat; interval 3 with three discal setae on both sides in most specimens (232/285 = 81.5%), rarely with two (3/285 = 1%) on one side or four (39/285 = 13.5%) on one side or four setae (11/285 = 4%) on both sides; anterior seta adjoining stria 3, median and posterior setae close to or adjoining stria 2. Surface around striae 5 and 6 not or only slightly impressed in apical fourth. Pterothorax. Metasternum long, its length behind mesocoxa about two times that of longitudinal diameter of mesocoxa. Metepisternum and metasternum impunctate. Abdomen. Last visible sternum with two (♂) or four (♀) subapical setae along edge. Legs. Mesofemur with three or four ventral setae along posterior edge. Metafemur with zero to two very small dorsoapical setae. Tarsomeres without dorsal keel; metatarsomeres 1 and 2 or 1–3 with shallow lateral furrows but without evident medial furrow; tarsomere 4 symmetric to very slightly asymmetric; tarsomere 5 without setae underneath, though with two to six very small hairs in many specimens. Genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus moderately curved in lateral aspect (Fig. 2); endophallus without sclerified structures. SBL: 8.7–9.9 mm (mean = 9.2 mm; n = 24).
droit d’auteur
Yves Bousquet
citation bibliographique
Bousquet Y (2012) Description of a new species of Platynus Bonelli from the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America (Coleoptera, Carabidae) ZooKeys 163: 69–81
Yves Bousquet
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Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
As far as known, this species lives mainly along the Appalachian Mountains, ranging from Connecticut and southern Pennsylvania to northwestern Alabama (Fig. 4). In addition to records listed in the “Type Material” section, specimens were seen with the following locality labels: “Pen” (1♀, CMNH). “Pa” (1♀, CMNH). “Ohio Pyle,” VII.1905 (1♀, CMNH).
droit d’auteur
Yves Bousquet
citation bibliographique
Bousquet Y (2012) Description of a new species of Platynus Bonelli from the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America (Coleoptera, Carabidae) ZooKeys 163: 69–81
Yves Bousquet
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