
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Piercolias forsteri

Piercolias huanaco.—Forster. 1955:138 [a misidentification, in part].

Piercolias coropunae.—Forster, 1955:138 [a misidentification, in part].

MALE (Figures 31, 43, photographs of holotype).—As illustrated, differing from P. huanaco in this sex in having the narrow dark border on upper- surface of forewing extending almost to vein 2dA, in having less white scaling in interspaces R1, R2, and R3 + R4+5, and in having the outer halves of the hind wing on the undersurface paler, more contrasting with the ground color at the base of this wing.

MAP 5.—Distribution of the Genus Piercolias Staudinger.

Length of forewing, 17–21 mm.

FEMALE (Figures 32, 44, photographs of allotype).—As illustrated, differing from females of P. huanaco in the same characters that differentiate the males and differing from the males in having dark markings on uppersurfaces more extensive and in having a yellow ground color on the uppersurfaces.

Length of forewing, 17.5–19 mm.

VENATION (Figure 179).—As illustrated, with characters as given for the genus and not differing from that of P. huanaco and P. coropunae.

CLAW, PARONYCHIUM, AND PULVILLUS (Figure 197).—As illustrated, with claw differing from that of P. huanaco (Figure 196) in having ventral tooth more separated from upper element, being even more separated than in P. coropunae (Figure 198), with paronychium broad.

MALE GENITALIA (Figure 142, drawn from holotype).—As illustrated, differing from that of P. huanaco and P. coropunae especially in having the subscaphium with its anterior process long and sharply pointed.

FEMALE GENITALIA (Figure 161, drawn from preparation of paratype).—As illustrated, differing from P. huanaco in the shape of the inner genital plate, having the posterior process not distinctly rounded at the end, with ventral margin of anterior process shorter than the posterior margin of this process, and with the latter margin concave.

TYPE DATA.—Described from the holotype male, allotype female, and three male and one female paratypes. All of these are from the west slope of Illimani, Bolivia, taken between 5000 and 5300 meters elevation on 14 and 27 April 1950 by Dr. Walter Forster. Holotype, allotype, and two male paratypes in the Zoological Collection of Bavaria, Munich, Germany. One male and one female paratype in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C.

citation bibliographique
Field, William Dewitt and Herrera, José. 1977. "The Pierid butterflies of the genera Hypsochila Ureta, Phulia Herrich-Schäffer, Infraphulia Field, Pierphulia Field, and Piercolias Staudinger." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-64. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.232